The database is available for download free for non-commercial research purposes.

Please write to Brian Funt at for the URL for dowloading

The download directory contains several files. The .zip file contains the images. The .mat file is a Matlab matrix file containing an 11346 by 3 matrix. Each row is the RGB of illuminant for the corresponding file in file.

Please do not distribute the database to others, rather direct them to contact Brian Funt. For publications that use the the database, please cite it as

Ciurea, F. and Funt, B. "A Large Image Database for Color Constancy Research," Proceedings of the Imaging Science and Technology Eleventh Color Imaging Conference, pp. 160-164, Scottsdale, Nov. 2003.

In terms of publishing sample images, the only restriction is that you not publish any that show people's faces. Please try to respect this last requirement. I've seen a paper published recently by on group that forgot it and included people's faces. I doubt anyone really minds, but you never know. I don't have permission from any of them to use their photos.