photo Binay Bhattacharya

Computational Geometry, Optimization.

One of the most important aspects of logistics is deciding where to locate new facilities such as retailers, warehouses or factories. For systems in which deliveries are made along multiple stop routes, the routing problem and the location problem must be considered simultaneously. These strategic decisions are a crucial determinant of whether materials will flow efficiently through the distribution system. Facility location analysis has played a central role in the development of operations research. Location problems encompass a wide range of problems such as the location of emergency services, location of hazardous materials, location of ATM bank machines, problems in telecommunication networks design, etc., just to name a few. My objective is to develop new tools to aid in the location of logistics to optimally serve the demands of customers. My approach is to study the applicability and the extendability of the most advanced theory and techniques, extend the existing techniques, and develop new paradigms to further the state of the art in the area of facility location optimization.

(Keywords: design and analysis of algorithms, computational geometry, resource allocation optimization, vehicle routing, scheduling, approximation algorithms)

Personal Webpage

Professor of Computing Science, Ph.D. (McGill, 1982).

Laboratory Affiliations: Algorithms and Complexity

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