SMILE - [S]hort [M]atch [I]MP [L]eague [E]venings  Tuesday Evening Session May 21, 2024
Week 1 Scores After 3 Matches  Average: 30.0 VPs, Section A

Full Results at, with colours and smileys and hand records and everything. Below is a summary of matches this week:
           Team Chow -   0  ( 19 w. HCP) VPs:  1.96 ( 6.55 w. HCP)
                    (Max Miller, Mike Miller, Kevin O'Farrell, Lana Chow)
                vs           (Boards 1 - 8)
                    (Rhoda Tafler, Diane Ayukawa, Jocelyn Krug, Grant Gayman)
        Team Ayukawa -  28  ( 28 w. HCP) VPs: 18.04 (13.45 w. HCP)
           Team Chow -  35  ( 51 w. HCP) VPs: 17.11 (19.62 w. HCP)
                    (Max Miller, Mike Miller, Kevin O'Farrell, Lana Chow)
                vs           (Boards 9 - 16)
                    (Kenny T K Chan, Kelli Cera, Julien Levesque, Andrew Krywaniuk)
           Team Ying -  12  ( 12 w. HCP) VPs:  2.89 ( 0.38 w. HCP)
           Team Chow -  11  ( 25 w. HCP) VPs:  2.31 ( 5.61 w. HCP)
                    (Max Miller, Mike Miller, Kevin O'Farrell, Lana Chow)
                vs           (Boards 17 - 24)
                    (Ken Lochang, Cecil Chan, Caleb Meyer, Kelvin Raywood)
        Team LoChang -  37  ( 37 w. HCP) VPs: 17.69 (14.39 w. HCP)
        Team Ayukawa -  12  ( 12 w. HCP) VPs:  8.33 ( 7.23 w. HCP)
                    (Rhoda Tafler, Diane Ayukawa, Jocelyn Krug, Grant Gayman)
                vs           (Boards 17 - 24)
                    (Kenny T K Chan, Kelli Cera, Julien Levesque, Andrew Krywaniuk)
           Team Ying -  16  ( 19 w. HCP) VPs: 11.67 (12.77 w. HCP)
        Team Ayukawa -  31  ( 31 w. HCP) VPs: 15.50 (14.09 w. HCP)
                    (Rhoda Tafler, Diane Ayukawa, Jocelyn Krug, Grant Gayman)
                vs           (Boards 25 - 32)
                    (Ken Lochang, Cecil Chan, Caleb Meyer, Kelvin Raywood)
        Team LoChang -  15  ( 20 w. HCP) VPs:  4.50 ( 5.91 w. HCP)
           Team Ying -   4  (  4 w. HCP) VPs:  3.32 ( 3.10 w. HCP)
                    (Kenny T K Chan, Kelli Cera, Julien Levesque, Andrew Krywaniuk)
                vs           (Boards 1 - 8)
                    (Ken Lochang, Cecil Chan, Caleb Meyer, Kelvin Raywood)
        Team LoChang -  25  ( 26 w. HCP) VPs: 16.68 (16.90 w. HCP)

    No Handicap Results For This Week
Team Nickname  W - L - T  V.Pts  IMP+ IMP- netIMPs
 Team Ayukawa  2 - 1 - 0  41.87   71   31     +40
 Team LoChang  2 - 1 - 0  38.87   77   46     +31
    Team Chow  1 - 2 - 0  21.38   46   77     -31
    Team Ying  1 - 2 - 0  17.88   32   72     -40

    With Handicap Results For This Week
Team Nickname  W - L - T  V.Pts  IMP+ IMP- netIMPs
 Team LoChang  2 - 1 - 0  37.20   83   60     +23
 Team Ayukawa  2 - 1 - 0  34.77   71   58     +13
    Team Chow  1 - 2 - 0  31.78   95   77     +18
    Team Ying  1 - 2 - 0  16.25   35   89     -54