Solution to The Percentage Line­ November 1998

Vul: Us
Dlr: Lefty
Scoring: Rubber
PARD (dummy)
S A K J 2
H 10 9 8 7
D K J 2
C A 2
Lefty's spade lead looks suspiciously like a singleton. Even if it isn't, there is no reason you should risk a ruff. You can always take a spade finesse after the trumps are drawn.

Counting your tricks, you have 2 spade tricks, 6 diamonds and 1 club. 2 more spades are easily established, and the 12th trick will easily come if either black­suit finesse works or diamonds are 2-2.

But what if both finesses are wrong and diamonds are 3-1? Can you still make? Thankfully, there is a sneaky line that combines all of your chances.

Contract: 6D
Opening Lead: S4
S 10 8 7 6 3
H --
D A Q 10 9 8 3

Win the SA, and ruff a heart. Cross to dummy with a trump and ruff a second heart. (If trumps break 4-0, then see below.) Again cross to dummy with a trump and ruff a third heart. These heart ruffs were required to strip righty of all his hearts.

Now pull trumps. If trumps are 2-2, then finesse a spade and claim. Otherwise, we have reached the position shown at right.

Now lead a low spade to dummy. If lefty follows, then play the SJ. If that loses, then righty is endplayed to lead clubs towards dummy. If the SJ holds then you can claim.

On the other hand, if lefty shows out on your low spade, then win the SK and exit the SJ, endplaying righty into leading a club for your 12th trick.

If trumps break 4-0, then you will draw trumps immediately and try each of the black­suit finesses, praying that one of them works.

Well done!

PARD (dummy)
S K J 2
H 10
D --
C A 2
S 10 8 7 6
H --
D --

There were so many excellent submissions this month, which all had their flaws. Most everyone recognized the need to ruff three hearts, to prepare righty for a later endplay when diamonds divided 3-1: some excellent foresight!

The two best submissions mishandled the case when lefty really did lead low from SQxx,
but I have decided to overlook it and award correct submissions to both of them.

This Month's Winners

Honourable Mention

Roman and Larry will receive three free plays to the Vancouver Bridge Centre for their correct solutions.
Well done, gentlemen!

The Percentage Line - a quiz show by Brad Bart.
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