Solution to The Percentage Line­ October 1998

Contract: 4H
Lead: ?

NORTH (dummy)
S J 10 9
H J 10 9
D A 10 2
C K 4 3 2
North­South have 9 easy tricks in hearts. It is clear that if West starts with a diamond, then North­South will score 3 diamond tricks, 3 hearts and 4 spades.

Without a diamond lead, a tenth trick seems impossible with the CQ sitting over the CJ and the CA over the CK. However, North­South will prevail on this layout, no matter what the opening lead.

S 7 5 4 3
H 5 3
D Q J 7 6
C Q 9 7
S 8 6
H A 6 4 2
D 8 5 3
C A 10 8 5
S A K Q 2
H K Q 8 7
D K 9 4
C J 6

Sadly, there were no winners this month. Out of the submissions I received, either the club­diamond end position or the opening lead of the CQ was not analyzed.

All of the submissions were excellent! I look forward to seeing more solutions in the coming months!

Honourable Mention

The Percentage Line - a quiz show by Brad Bart.
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