Solution to The Percentage Line­ June/July 1998

Vul: Both
Dlr: Pard
Scoring: Matchpoints
PARD (dummy)
S A J 9 5 3
H J 10 8
D A K 6
You might be lulled into thinking that righty's discard of the H2 at trick 1 implies or denies the HQ one way or the other. Psychological warfare is a deadly weapon at the table, but percentage­wise, you can do better than a mere 50% finesse on this particular hand.

If lefty has at least three clubs and at least two hearts, then this hand is cold by ruffing your losing heart in the dummy. Therefore, win the DA, cash the CAK and cross to your hand with the HA, taking care to unblock the HJ. Now try to cash the CQ. If lefty follows, then you will pitch the heart as planned, cross your fingers, play the HA, ruff the H9 with the DK, pull trumps and claim.

But what if lefty ruffs your CQ?

Contract: 7D
Opening Lead: D2
S 4
H A K 9
D Q J 10 9 8 7
C Q J 10

You are left with two possibilities: finesse (or drop) the HQ; or embark on the spade­heart squeeze. Although, bringing in the heart suit would seem to be your best shot, there is no reason you shouldn't combine your chances.

Overruff lefty with the DK and run trumps, being careful to unblock the hearts by pitching the H10. If someone is being squeezed, you should be able to tell by their discards. You will find out if the squeeze was successful when you cross to dummy's SA in the three card ending shown at right.

If the SJ is now high, then your squeeze was successful and you can claim. But if it isn't high, then you will have had to have kept track of your opponents' discards to pick the heart suit. For instance, if righty started with three hearts or less, then playing for the HQ to drop is probably best.

This end­position is purely a guessing game and table feel is the only thing that can help. In Greg Morse's solution, he played immediately for the drop of the HQ and then embarked on the squeeze, and I cannot fault him for it.

PARD (dummy)
H 8
D --
C --
S 4
H K 9
D --
C --

This Month's Winners

Greg will receive three free plays to the Vancouver Bridge Centre for his correct solution. Well done, Greg!

The winner of August's Percentage Line will receive a voucher for a bridge book. Good luck!

The Percentage Line - a quiz show by Brad Bart.
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