Solution to The Percentage Line­ May 1998

Vul: Both
Dlr: You
Scoring: IMPs
PARD (dummy)
S 3 2
H K 6 5 3 2
D 6 4 3 2
C 4 3
This hand seems pretty straightforward. If trumps are no worse than 3-1, simply win the diamond, cash (in order) the HAK, DK and SAK, and the defense cannot prevent you from cross­ruffing for 4 more tricks.

It is clear that your contract is in jeopardy only if trumps divide 4-0. For 10 tricks, the club position must be favourable.

After winning the diamond, cash dummy's HK and play low towards the CK. If the CA is on your left, then you are down; so, assume it is on your right. There are now several cases to consider, depending on which defender has the long trumps and whether RHO won the CA or ducked it.

Contract: 4H
Opening Lead: D5
S A K 9 4
H A 8 7 4
C K 8 2

In short, a 4-0 trump break on your left will work out miles better than a 4-0 trump break on your right.
Honourable Mention

The Percentage Line - a quiz show by Brad Bart.
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