Vul: Both Dlr: You Scoring: IMPs |
PARD (dummy) 3 2 K 6 5 3 2 6 4 3 2 4 3 |
This hand seems pretty straightforward. If trumps are no worse
than 3-1, simply win the diamond,
cash (in order) the AK,
K and
AK, and the defense cannot prevent you
from crossruffing for 4 more tricks. It is clear that your contract is in jeopardy only if trumps divide 4-0. For 10 tricks, the club position must be favourable. After winning the diamond, cash dummy's K and play low towards the K. If the A is on your left, then you are down; so, assume it is on your right. There are now several cases to consider, depending on which defender has the long trumps and whether RHO won the A or ducked it. | |
Contract: 4 Opening Lead: 5 | YOU A K 9 4 A 8 7 4 A K K 8 2 |