Getting the Most Out of Your Cards

Vul: Both
Dlr: Righty
Scoring: Matchpoints
PARD (dummy)
S K J 10 8 6
D K J 9 8 3
After winning the CJ in dummy, I call for the SJ. Righty stews over this for some time and eventually plays the S5, letting me score my SQ. Not happy with stealing just one trick, I lead a heart to the HQ which holds(!) and call for the SK. Righty stews over his play yet a third time and eventually chooses to cover, sadly watching his SA getting ruffed off.

Crossing back to the CA catches righty's CQ and I pitch my stiff diamond on the S10, while catching lefty's S9. This is all academic, however because after I ruff a diamond and test trumps, I discover that lefty started with 5 hearts and righty threw his CQ by accident. I could have made +140 all the time, had righty just taken his SA on the first round.

Contract: 3H
Lead: C7
H K J 10 7 6 3
D 4
C K 10 9 6 2

I am cold for +170 at this point because of the favourable diamond position. But because I am so elated over my elaborate swindle, I keep on calling for diamond pitches on the run of the clubs and hearts, to the point where I accidentally unguard my DK.

Lefty is now able to tap my hand without setting up a diamond in dummy, so he scores his 3 hearts plus the DQ. Oops. Only +140, but a lot of fun nonetheless.

I have done a lot of psychological damage to righty and on the companion board, I intend capitalize on it.

Vul: Both
Dlr: Righty
Contract: 3H
N/S Score: +140
Result: Average
PARD (dummy)
S K J 10 8 6
D K J 9 8 3
S 9 7 2
H A 9 8 5 2
D A Q 5
C 7 3
S A 5 4 3
H 4
D 10 7 6 2
C Q 8 5 4
H K J 10 7 6 3
D 4
C K 10 9 6 2

Vul: Us
Dlr: Me
S A J 6 2  H A K 8 4 3  D --  C A J 7 4

This hand is even better than the last one!

I open ONE HEART and partner bids ONE FORCING NOTRUMP. I am strong enough to reverse to TWO SPADES, so I do so. Partner now bids THREE DIAMONDS which shows diamonds and is game­forcing. We play Lebensohl over reverses which means that if partner had a weak hand of any description, then he would have bid 2NT. So, the negative inference is that partner's direct bid of 3D over a reverse shows values. (For a full description of Lebensohl, please see Brad Bart's summary of Lebensohl and its uses.)

I am not happy about playing THREE NOTRUMP with a void in partner's suit, but I am left with little choice. Partner corrects to FOUR HEARTS and I PASS. Lefty leads the H6.

Vul: Us
Dlr: Me
Scoring: Matchpoints
PARD (dummy)
S Q 10 9
H Q 10 5 2
D K J 7 3
C K 3


* - Forcing

Contract: 4H
Opening Lead: H6
S A J 6 2
H A K 8 4 3
D --
C A J 7 4

I don't know why partner didn't just make a limit raise of 3H, but that's not my concern.
I play the H10 which is covered by the HJ and my HA.

Take a minute and think how you would play 4H.

The Fallible Genius - a chronicle by Brad Bart
August 19, 1998