Only One Slim Chance

I have only one remaining chance. I have to hope that lefty comes under unbearable pressure when I cash all of the clubs. But first, I must duck the D8 to take away a possible later exit card.

Righty wins the DK, and follows up with a low diamond return, collecting lefty's DQ. Now in dummy, I cash my two clubs and hope for a miracle. No one pitches a spade honour, but lefty lets go of two spades.

With nothing left to lose, I cash the SA (catching lefty's SK) and continue spades to lefty's SQ. Lefty is now endplayed in hearts and I can claim 9 tricks and +600. You can probably guess how many matchpoints this was worth.

Nice bid, partner!

PARD (dummy)
S A 10
H K 5
D A 2
C 8 7
S J 7 6 5
H -
D 7 6 5 3
C -

The entire hand:

PARD (dummy)
S A 10
H K 10 5 2
D A 2
C K 8 7 6 2
S K Q 8 2
H A Q 7 6
D Q 8
C Q 9 4
S 9 4 3
H 9 8 3
D K J 10 9 4
C J 3
S J 7 6 5
H J 4
D 7 6 5 3
C A 10 5

On the last hand of the set, partner reversed.. again!
I ended up playing 4S doubled, but this time I held the damage to only three red undertricks.

Partner stopped believing in miracles.

The Fallible Genius - a chronicle by Brad Bart
April 7, 1998