I originally saw this article in the newspaper on May 3, 1997. It features the beer card­ the famous (or infamous, if you are on the losing end) D7. The article has also been reproduced without the author's permission, so.. SHHH!

Warning: this article details some rules of scoring beers which are inconsistent with our own. The most current beer­scoring rules can be found on the University of Waterloo Bridge Club homepage.

Bridge By Phillip Alder -a quotation from The Hamilton Spectator

In the 1989 European Junior Championship, a Polish declarer executed a successful double squeeze, winning the last trick with the D7. He promptly said to his partner, "For that, you'll have to buy me a beer."

This idea quickly moved into youth bridge lore. Any young declarer who wins trick 13 with the D7 receives a beer from his partner. That explains South's obscure line of play in this deal from the Australian Youth Teams last January.

The bidding isn't on record, but South was in 3NT. West led the heart H2, supposedly showing a five­card suit in his partnership's methods. (In tournament play, this idea is popular against suit contracts, but is rarely used against no­trump.)

Vul: E-W
Dlr: North
NORTH (dummy)
S A 2
H 9 4 3
D A K 9 6
C A 6 4 2




S 9 8 7 5
H K J 7 6 5 2
D Q 8
C 7
S J 10 4 3
H Q 8
D J 4
C K Q 10 9 2
S K Q 6
H A 10
D 10 7 5 3 2
C J 8 5
Declarer won the first trick with the HA over East's HQ. Then he took dummy's two top diamonds, relieved to see the 2-2 split. Now he could cash out for 10 tricks. However, feeling thirsty, he saw a chance to win the last trick with the D7. The exchange rate of one beer for one overtrick was irresistible.

So, South exited from the dummy with a heart. After West took his four heart tricks, South could arrange to win the last trick with the infamous card and claim his beer. However, as you can see, West was an unreliable bartender. He had led low from a six­card suit. He had five heart tricks to cash for one down.

No doubt South told his teammates he had gone one down in 5D.