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This is a very important project! Investing time in it will greatly help you in later projects. Please do the following reading in order:

  1. Unix Programming Tools for information on how to use the gcc compiler, make tool, and gdb debugger.
  2. Essential C or any similar document/book. Pay careful attention to pointers and memory management in C.

Now, do the following programming problems using C. All code MUST run on a Linux machine. We will grade your code on a Linux machine. You should create a directory for your project, such as ~/cmpt300/prj1/ and put all files related to this project in it.

1. String Manipulation Functions [45 points]

In this problem, you will develop a few string manipulation functions similar to the standard C string functions. You are not allowed to use any standard string functions (e.g., strcpy, strlen, etc) in your code (however, your functions may call each other as necessary). Download the file mystring.tar.gz to ~/cmpt300/prj1/ After the download, issue the command:

$ tar xvfz mystring.tar.gz 

which creates the directory ~/cmpt300/prj1/mystring. In that directory, you will find the following files:

  • mystring.h – header file containing the prototypes for the functions that you will develop.
  • mystring.c – source file in which you will do your coding.
  • test_mystring.c – simple test file to help you testing your code.
  • Makefile – this file is used by the Unix command make to compile your source code and build the executable files.

Start by issuing the command make to ensure that you got everything ready to start coding. The code should compile without a problem and you should find an executable file named test_mystring. Try it by issuing the command ./test_mystring. Of course, the tests there will fail. Now, start coding the functions in mystring.c one at a time and modify test_mystring.c to add more tests. In general, you can assume that all pointers passed into your code will be valid, and that there will be enough space allocated for any copy operations to succeed. (We must assume this because in C we have no way of checking if there is enough space.) You may #include any extra .h files as required (such as stdlib.h).

2. Linked List Operations [55 points]

The linked list is a simple, yet powerful, data structure that appears– in one way or another–in almost all reasonable-size programs that you will encounter in your career. In this problem, you will implement several functions that create and manipulate a linked list. A node in the list is defined as:

struct nodeStruct {
    int item;
    struct nodeStruct *next;

You must implement at least the following functions:

 * Allocate memory for a node of type struct nodeStruct and initialize
 * it with the value item. Return a pointer to the new node.
struct nodeStruct* List_createNode(int item);

 * Insert node at the head of the list.
void List_insertHead (struct nodeStruct **headRef, struct nodeStruct *node);

 * Insert node after the tail of the list.
void List_insertTail (struct nodeStruct **headRef, struct nodeStruct *node);

 * Count number of nodes in the list.
 * Return 0 if the list is empty, i.e., head == NULL
int List_countNodes (struct nodeStruct *head);

 * Return the first node holding the value item, return NULL if none found
struct nodeStruct* List_findNode(struct nodeStruct *head, int item);

 * Delete node from the list and free memory allocated to it.
 * This function assumes that node has been properly set to a valid node 
 * in the list. For example, the client code may have found it by calling 
 * List_findNode(). If the list contains only one node, the head of the list 
 * should be set to NULL.
void List_deleteNode (struct nodeStruct **headRef, struct nodeStruct *node);

 * Sort the list in ascending order based on the item field.
 * Any sorting algorithm is fine.
void List_sort (struct nodeStruct **headRef);

Each function (other than sort) should not alter the item value of nodes in the linked list. For example, to insert a new node at the head of the list, a new node must be linked in at the front, rather than all the item values shifted. (This does not apply to the sort function, which may alter item values.)

Note that struct nodeStruct **headRef in the functions above enables you to modify the memory location referred to by the variable headRef (e.g., you can code: *headRef = node). This is important to handle boundary conditions such as inserting the first node in the list or deleting the last node in the list. In such cases, you would need to change the head of the list itself, it is why we pass pointer to the pointer. You can find more information on linked lists in this document.

Here is how you should structure your source code:

Create a directory called ~/cmpt300/prj1/list under which create the following files:

  1. list.h – contains the definition of struct nodeStruct and the function prototypes. No head or tail pointer; they are just in the application (such as main.c).
  2. list.c – contains the implementation of the above functions.
  3. test_list.c – to test your code, contains the main() function. Here is a simple test_list.c to start you off.
  4. Makefile – you can start with the Makefile of the previous problem and modify it.

Test your code very carefully. Your code will be run through the instructor’s tests which don’t respond well to seg-faults!

In general, you can assume that all pointers passed into your code will be valid.

What to Submit and How

  • Make sure that your files are organized as follows:
    • prj1/mystring – everything related to the mystring part
    • prj1/list – everything related the linked list part
    • prj1/README — everything describing how to build. student ids etc
  • Change to each of your folders and issue the command make clean. This will remove all object files as well as all output and temporary files
  • Change to the first directory.

  • Then, issue:

    $ tar cvf cmpt300.tar *

    which creates a tar ball (i.e., a single file) that contains the contents of the folder.

  • Compress your file using gzip:

     $ gzip cmpt300.tar
  • Submit via CourSys by the deadline posted there.