In this course, we will be using Git as our revision control and source code management system. We will be using GitHub for centralized online repository hosting, and TravisCI for online continuous integration testing. These tools will enable us to adopt an agile hardware development methodology so your group can rapidly collaborate and iterate on the design, verification, and evaluation of the assignments. This tutorial covers how to: setup your GitHub account, use Git for basic incremental development, use GitHub to collaborate with your group, manage Git branches and GitHub pull requests, and use TravisCI for continuous integration. This tutorial assumes that you have completed the Linux tutorial.
To follow along with the tutorial, access the course computing resources and type the commands without the $ character
GitHub is an online service that hosts centralized Git repositories for a growing number of open-source projects. It has many useful features including a web-based source browser, history browser, branch management, merge requests, code review, issue tracking, and even a built-in wiki attached to every repository. We have created a dedicated GitHub organization for the course located here: (
The course staff will add all officially registered students to the course organization. For most of this tutorial you will be using a repository in your own personal GitHub account (from _[githubid]
Where [githubid] is your GitHub username on If the above link does not work, then you do not have an GitHub account on You will need to create one here: (
Your SFU email id (e.g., mine is ashriram) makes a great GitHub username on Be sure to use your SFU email address. Once your account is setup, please make sure you set your full name so we can know who you are on GitHub. Please also consider uploading a profile photo to GitHub; it makes it more fun to interact on GitHub if we all know what each other look like. Go to the following page and enter your first and last name in the Name field, and then consider uploading a profile photo.(
Once you have a GitHub username, please fill out the following online so the instructors know the mapping from your NetID to your GitHub username on (
Before you can begin using GitHub, you need to create an SSH key pair on a linux machine and upload the corresponding SSH public key to GitHub. GitHub uses these keys for authentication. The course setup script takes care of creating an SSH key pair which you can use. Login to an linux machine,
% ssh-keygen -f github_rsa
% cp github_rsa ~/.ssh/id_rsa
% chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Use the following page to upload the public key to GitHub:(
Click on New SSH Key, and then cut-and-paste the public key you displayed using cat into the key textbox. Give the key the title 431-key-github. Then click Add SSH key (contents of To test things out try the following on an linux machine.
% ssh -T
You may see a warning about the authenticity of the host. Don’t worry, this is supposed to happen the first time you access GitHub using your new key. Just enter “yes”. The GitHub server should output some text including your GitHub username. (Hi course-test! You’ve successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.)
Verify that the GitHub username is correct, and then you should be all set. There are two good GitHub Guides you might want to take a look at:
GitHub has two integrated tools that students might find useful: an issue tracker and a wiki. Con-sider using the GitHub issue tracker to track bugs you find in your code or to manage tasks required to complete the programming assignment. You can label issues, comment on issues, and attach them to commits. See the following links for more information about GitHub issues:
Consider using the GitHub per-repository wiki to create task lists, brainstorm design ideas, rapidly collaborate on text for the programming assignment report, or keep useful command/code snippets. See the following links for more information about GitHub wikis:
In this section, we begin with a basic single-user workflow before demonstrating how Git and Github can be used for effective collaboration among multiple users. We discuss how to resolve conflicts and how to manage branches and pull requests.
Forking is the process of making a personal copy of someone else’s repository on repository on GitHub. Start by going to the GitHub page for the tutorial repository located here: (
Figure shows the corresponding GitHub page. Click on Fork in the upper right-hand corner. If asked where to fork this repository, choose your personal GitHub account. After a few seconds, you should have a brand new repository in your account: ([githubid]/git-tutorial)
Where githubid is your GitHub username on Now that you have your own copy of the tutorial repository, the next step is to clone this repository to an machine so you can manipulate the content within the repository. We call the repository on GitHub the remote repository and we call the repository on the linux machine the local repository. A local repository is a first-class mirror of the remote repository with the entire history of the repository, and thus almost all operations are essentially local requiring no communication with GitHub. The following commands write an environment variable with your GitHub username, create a subdirectory for this tutorial in your home directory before using the git clone command to clone the remote repository and thus create a local repository.
% GITHUBID="[githubid]"
% mkdir -p ${HOME}/CMPT-295-SFU
% cd ${HOME}/CMPT-295-SFU
% git clone${GITHUBID}/git-tutorial
% cd git-tutorial
Where again [githubid] is your GitHub username on The git clone command takes two command line arguments. The first argument specifies the remote repository on GitHub you would like to clone, and the second argument specifies the name to give to the new local reposi-tory. Note that we created an environment variable with the directory path to the local repository to simplify navigating the file system in the rest of this tutorial.
The repository currently contains two files: a README file, and overview.txt which contains an overview of the course. These files are contained within what we call the working directory. The repository also includes a special directory named .git which contains all of the extra repository metadata. You should never directly manipulate anything within the .git directory.
Let’s assume we want to create a new file that contains a list of fruits, and that we want to manage this file using Git version control. First, we create the new file.
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% ls -la
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% echo "apple" > fruit.txt
To manage a file using Git, we need to first use the git add command to tell Git that it should track this file from now on. We can then use git commit to commit our changes to this file into the repository, and git log to confirm the result.
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% git add fruit.txt
% git commit -m "initial fruit list"
% git log
The -m command line option with the git commit command enables you to specify a commit message that describes this commit. All commit messages should include a “subject line” which is a single short line briefly describing the commit. Many commits will just include a subject line (e.g., the above commit). If you want to include more information in your commit message then skip the -m command line option and Git will launch your default editor. You still want to include a subject line at the top of your commit message, but now you can include more information separated from the subject line by a blank line.
The git log command displays information about the commit history. The beginning of the output from git log should look something like this:
git log
commit 90941492f632e5d8591a2f1255bd410d8014b282
Author: Arrvindh Shriraman <>
Date: Thu Oct 17 19:12:43 2019 -0700
Conceptually, we should think of each commit as a copy of all of the tracked files in the project at the time of the commit. This commit just included changes to one file, but as we add more files each commit will include more and more information. The history of a git repository is just a long sequence of commits that track how the files in the repository have evolved over time. Notice that Git has recorded the name of who made the commit, the date and time of the commit, and the log message. The first line is the commit id which uniquely identifies this commit. Git does not use monotonically increasing revision numbers like other version control systems, but instead uses a 40-digit SHA1 hash as the commit id. This is a hash of all the files included as part of this commit (not just the changes). We can refer to a commit by the full hash or by just the first few digits as long as we provide enough digits to unambiguously reference the commit. Now let’s add a fruit to our list and commit the change.
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% echo "mango" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -m "added mango to fruit list"
Unfortunately, this doesn’t work. The output from git commit indicates that there have been no changes since the last commit so there is no need to create a new commit. Git has a concept of an index which is different compared to other version control systems. We must “stage” files (really we stage content not files) into the index, and then git commit will commit that content into the repository. We can see this with the git status command.
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% git status
which should show that fruit.txt is modified but not added to the index. We stage files in the index with git add like this:
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% git add fruit.txt
% git status
Now git status should show that the file is modified and also added to the index. Our commit should now complete correctly.
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% git commit -m "added mango to fruit list"
% git status
So even though Git is tracking fruit.txt and knows it has changed, we still must explicitly add the files we want to commit. There is a short cut which uses the -a command line option with the git
commit command. This command line option tells Git to commit any file which has changed and was previously added to the repository.
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% echo "orange" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -a -m "added orange to fruit list"
% git status
Staging files is a useful way to preview what we will commit before we actually do the commit. This helps when we have many changes in our working directory but we don’t want to commit them all at once. Instead we might want to break them into smaller, more meaningful commits or we might want to keep working on some of the modified files while committing others.
Figure illustrates how the commands we have used so far create a single-user development work-flow. The git clone command copies the remote repository to create a local repository which in-cludes both the working directory and the special .git directory. The git add command adds files to the index from the working directory. The git commit command moves files from the index into the special .git directory. The -a command line option with the git commit command can commit files directly from the working directory to the special .git directory.
Now that we have made some changes, we can use git log to view the history of last few commits and then add another line to the fruit.txt file.
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% git log
% echo "plum" >> fruit.txt
% cat fruit.txt
Imagine you didn’t like your changes and want to revert the changes, you would use the git checkout command as below.
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% git checkout fruit.txt
% cat fruit.txt
As illustrated in Figure, the git checkout command resets any a file or directory to the state it was in at the time of the last commit. The output from the git status command should look something like this:
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% git status
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of ’origin/master’ by 3 commits. (use “git push” to publish your local commits) nothing to commit, working directory clean
The git status command is telling us that the local clone of the repository now has more commits than the remote repository on GitHub. If you visit the GitHub page for this repository you will not see any changes. This is a critical difference from other centralized version control systems. In Git, when we use the git commit command it only commits these changes to your local repository.
If we have done some local work that we are happy with, we can push these changes to the remote repository on GitHub using the git push command.
% cd ${TUTROOT}
% git push
% git status
Notice that the output of the git status command indicates that our local repository is up-to-date with the remote repository on GitHub. Figure 2 shows visually the idea that the git push command moves commits from your local repository to the remote repository on GitHub. Visit the GitHub page to verify that our new commits have been pushed to the remote repository: ([githubid]/git-tutorial)
Click on commits at the top of the GitHub page to view the log of commits. You can browse who made each commit, what changed in each commit, and the state of the repository at each commit. Return to the main GitHub page for the repository and click on the fruit.txt file to view it.
Create a new file called shapes.txt that includes a list of different shapes. Commit the new file, make some edits, and commit these edits. Use git status and git log to keep track of your changes. Push your changes to GitHub and browse the updated files on GitHub
Since your tutorial repository is public on GitHub, any other user can also clone this repository. If you would like to collaborate with another GitHub user, you would need to give that user read/write permission. The instructors will take care of setting up the appropriate teams for the programming assignments when you work with a partner. To emulate how collaboration with GitHub works, we will “pretend” to be different users by cloning extra copies of the tutorial repository.
% cd ${HOME}/CMPT-295-SFU
% git clone${GITHUBID}/git-tutorial git-tut-alice
% cd git-tut-alice
% git clone\${GITHUBID}/git-tutorial git-tut-bob
% cd git-tut-bob
% BOB=\${PWD}
We can now emulate different users by simply working in these different local repositories: when we work in ALICE we will be acting as the user Alice, and when we work in BOB we will be acting as the user Bob. Figure 3 illustrates a multi-user development environment: both Alice and Bob have their own separate local repositories (including their own working directories, index, and special .git directories), yet they will both communicate with the same centralized remote repository on GitHub.
Let’s have Alice add another entry to the fruit.txt file, commit her changes to her local repository, and then push those commits to the remote repository on GitHub:
% cd \${ALICE}
% echo "banana" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -a -m "ALICE: added banana to fruit list"
% git log --online
% git push
% cat fruit.txt
If you view the GitHub page for this repository it will appear that you are the one making the commit (remember we are just pretending to be Alice), which is why we used ALICE: as a prefix in the commit message.
Now let’s assume Bob wants to retrieve the changes that Alice just made to the repository. Bob can use the git pull command to pull all new commits from the remote repository into his local repository. The git pull command performs two actions, it first fetches all the updates and then merges or applies them to the local project. If there are no conflicts in the file contents, the command executes successfully. If there are conflicts, the command does not merge all the changes and reports the conflicting content. We will learn how to resolve conflicts later.
% cd ${BOB}
% git pull
% git log --oneline
% cat fruit.txt
Figure 3 shows visually the idea that the git pull command moves commits from the remote reposi-tory on GitHub to your local repository. Bob’s copy of tutorial repository should contain Alice’s most recent commit and his copy of the fruits.txt file should include “banana”. Now let’s assume Bob also wants to make some changes and push those changes to the remote repository on GitHub:
% cd ${BOB}
% echo "peach" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -a -m "BOB: added peach to fruit list"
% git log --oneline
% git push
% cat fruit.txt
Similar to before, Alice can now retrieve the changes that Bob just made to the repository using the git pull command.
% cd \${ALICE}
% git pull
% git log --oneline
% cat fruit.txt
This process is at the key to collaborating via GitHub. Each student works locally on his or her part of the programming assignment and periodically pushes/pulls commits to synchronize with the remote repository on GitHub.
H To-Do On Your Own: Create a new file called letters.txt in Bob’s local repository that includes a list of letters from A to M, one per line. Commit the new file, make some edits to add say more letters from say M to Z, and commit these edits. Use git push to push these commits to the centralized repository. Switch to Alice’s local repository and use git pull to pull in the new commits. Verify that all of your files and commits are in both Bob’s and Alice’s local repositories.
Of course the real challenge occurs when both Alice and Bob modify content at the same time. There are two possible scenarios: Alice and Bob modify different content such that it is possible to combine their commits without issue, or Alice and Bob have modified the exact same content resulting in a conflict. We will address how to resolve both scenarios.
Let us assume that Alice wants to add lemon to the list and Bob would like to create a new file named vegetables.txt. Alice would go ahead and first pull from the central repository to grab any new commits from the remote repository on GitHub. On seeing that there are no new commits, she edits the file, commits, and pushes this new commit.
% cd \${ALICE}
% git pull
% echo "lemon" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -a -m "ALICE: added lemon to fruit list"
% git push
Since Bob recently pulled from the remote repository on GitHub, let’s say he assumes that there have been no new commits. He would then go ahead and create his new file, commit, and attempt to push this new commit.
% cd \${BOB}
% echo "spinach" > vegetables.txt
% echo "broccoli" >> vegetables.txt
% echo "turnip" >> vegetables.txt
% git add vegetables.txt
% git commit -m "BOB: initial vegetable list"
% git push
! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to ’[githubid]/git-tutorial’
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
hint: (e.g., ’git pull ...’) before pushing again.
hint: See the ’Note about fast-forwards’ in ’git push --help’ for details.
On executing the sequence of commands above, you should notice that Git does not allow Bob to push his changes to the central repository as the version of the central repository has been updated by Alice. You should see a message similar to the one above. Git suggests us to merge the remote commits before pushing the local commits. We can do so by first using the git pull command to merge the local commits.
% cd \${BOB}
% git pull
Git will launch your default text editor because we need to merge your local commits and the remote commits. You will need to enter a commit message, although usually the default message provided by Git is fine. After saving the commit message, we can take a look at the Git history using git log to see what happened.
% cd \${BOB}
% git log --oneline --graph
- 656965a Merge branch ’master’ of[githubid]/git-tutorial
| \* 9d943f3 ALICE: added lemon to fruit list
- | 4788dbe BOB: initial vegetable list
- c7cc31e BOB: added peach to fruit list
- dc28bc9 ALICE: added banana to fruit list
The –graph command line option with the git log command will display a visual graph of the commit history. You can see that Bob and Alice worked on two different commits at the same time. Alice worked on commit 9d943f3 while Bob was working on commit 4788dbe. Bob then merged these two sets of commits using a new commit 656965a. Bob can now push his changes to the remote repository in GitHub.
% cd \${BOB}
% git push
GitHub has a nice commit history viewer which shows a similar commit graph as we saw above: ([githubid]/git-tutorial/network)
While this approach is perfectly reasonable, it can lead to a very non-linear and complex commit history. We strongly recommend that you use an alternative called rebasing. While merging “merges” sets of commits together, rebasing will apply one set of commits first and then apply a second set of commits on top of the first set of commits. This results in a more traditional linear commit history. Let’s reconstruct a similar situation as before where Alice adds another fruit and Bob adds another vegetable at the same time.
% cd \${ALICE}
% git pull
% echo "plum" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -a -m "ALICE: added plum to fruit list"
% git push
% cd \${BOB}
% echo "potato" >> vegetables.txt
% git commit -a -m "BOB: added potato to vegetable list"
% git push
! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)
To rebase, we will use the –rebase command line option with the git pull command.
% cd \${BOB}
% git pull --rebase
% git push
% git log --oneline --graph
- 0d5fba5 BOB: added potato to vegetable list
- e56ad1b ALICE: added plum to fruit list
- 656965a Merge branch ’master’ of[githubid]/git-tutorial
| \* 9d943f3 ALICE: added lemon to fruit list
- | 4788dbe BOB: initial vegetable list
- c7cc31e BOB: added peach to fruit list
- dc28bc9 ALICE: added banana to fruit list
Study the output from the git log command carefully. Notice how instead of creating a new merge commit as before, rebasing has applied Alice’s commit e56ad1b first and then applied Bob’s new commit 0d5fba5 on top of Alice’s commit. Rebasing keeps the git history clean and linear.
Sometimes Alice and Bob are editing the exact same lines in the exact same file. In this case, Git does not really know how to resolve this conflict. It does not know how to merge or rebase the two sets of commits to create a consistent view of the repository. The user will have to manually resolve the conflict. Let’s explore what happens when Alice and Bob want to add a new fruit to the fruits.txt file at the exact same time. First, Alice adds kiwi and pushes her updates to the remote repository on GitHub.
% cd \${ALICE}
% git pull
% echo "kiwi" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -a -m "ALICE: added kiwi to fruit list"
% git push
Now Bob adds date and tries to push his update to the remote repository on GitHub.
% cd \${BOB}
% echo "date" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -a -m "BOB: added date to fruit list"
% git push
! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)
As before, Bob uses the –rebase command line option with the git pull command to pull the commits from the remote repository on GitHub.
% cd \${BOB}
% git pull --rebase
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: BOB: added date to fruit list
Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
M fruit.txt
Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
Auto-merging fruit.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in fruit.txt
Failed to merge in the changes.
Git indicates that it was not able to complete the rebase. There is a conflict in the fruit.txt file. We can also use the git status command to see which files have conflicts. They will be marked as both modified:
% cd \${BOB}
% git status
Git instructs Bob to first resolve the conflict and then use the –continue command line option with the git rebase command to finish the rebase. If you take a look at the fruit.txt file you will see that it now includes conflict markers showing exactly where the conflict occurred.
% cd \${BOB}
% cat fruit.txt apple
mango orange banana peach
<<<<<<< 7f8ec0fb9d7c705e3caf9034f3b96b0c8e7cad92
> > > > > > > BOB: added date to fruit list
This shows that the commit from the remote repository on GitHub has kiwi as the last line in the file, while the last commit to the local repository has date on the last line in the file. To resolve the conflict we can directly edit this file so that it reflects how we want to merge. We can choose one fruit over the other, choose to include neither fruit, or choose to include both fruit. Edit the file using your favorite text editor to remove the lines with markers ««, === and »» so that the file includes both fruit.
% cd ${BOB}
% cat fruit.txt apple mango orange banana peach lemon plum kiwi date
The next step is critical and easy to forget. We need to use the git add command to add any files that we have fixed! In this case we need to use the git add command for the fruit.txt file.
% cd \${BOB}
% git status
% git add fruit.txt
% git status
Notice how the output from the git status command has changed to indicate that we have fixed the conflict in the fruit.txt file. Since we have resolved all conflicts, we can now continue the rebase:
% cd \${BOB}
% git rebase --continue
% git push
% git log --oneline --graph
% cat fruit.txt
Resolving conflicts is tedious, so to avoid conflicts you should communicate with your group mem-bers which student is going to be executing which files. Try to avoid having multiple students work-ing on the same file at the same time, or at least avoid having multiple students working on the same lines of the same file at the same time.
To-Do On Your Own: Experiment with having both Alice and Bob edit the same lines in the overview.txt file at the same time. Try to force a conflict, and then carefully resolve the conflict.
In this section, we describe branches and pull requests which are slightly more advanced topics but tremendously useful. Students could probably skim this section initially, and then revisit this information later in the semester. Branches and pull requests enable different students to work on different aspects at the project at the same time while keeping their commits separated in the remote repository on GitHub. So far, all of our work has been on the master branch. The master branch is the primary default branch. Creating additional branches can enable one student to work on a new feature while also fixing bugs on the master branch, or branches can enable students to experiment with some more advanced ideas but easily revert back to the “stable” master branch.
Let’s say that Alice wants to work on a new list of animals in Alice and Bob’s shared repository, but she wants to keep her work separate from the primary work they are focusing on. Alice can create a branch called alice-animals and commit her new ideas on that branch. It is usually good practice to prefix branch names with your NetID to ensure that branch names are unique. The following commands will first display the branches in the local repository using the git branch command before creating a new branch called alice-animals.
% cd \${ALICE}
% git branch
% git checkout -b alice-animals
% git branch
% git status
The git branch command uses an asterisk (*) to indicate the current branch. The git status com-mand also indicates the current branch. Alice can now create a new file and commit her changes to this new branch.
% cd \${ALICE}
% git branch
% echo "cow" > animals.txt
% echo "pig" >> animals.txt
% echo "dog" >> animals.txt
% git add animals.txt
% git commit -m "ALICE: initial animal list"
% git log --oneline --graph --decorate
The –decorate command line option with the git log command will show which commits are on which branch. It should be clear that the alice-animals branch is one commit ahead of the master branch. Pushing this branch to the remote repository on GitHub requires a slightly more complicated syntax. We need to specify which branch to push to which remote repository:
% cd \${ALICE}
% git push -u origin alice-animals
% cat animals.txt
The name origin refers to the remote repository that the local repository was originally cloned from (i.e., the remote repository on GitHub). You can now see this new branch on GitHub here:
You can browse the commits and source code in the alice-animals just like the master branch. If Bob wants to checkout Alice’s new branch, he needs to use a slightly different syntax.
% cd \${BOB}
% git pull --rebase
% git checkout --track origin/alice-animals
% git branch
% cat animals.txt
Alice and Bob can switch back to the master branch using the git checkout command.
% cd \${ALICE}
% git checkout master
% git branch
% ls
% cd \${BOB}
% git checkout master
% git branch
% ls
The git branch command should indicate that both Alice and Bob are now on the master branch, and there should no longer be an animals.txt file in the working directory. One strength of Git is that it makes it very easy to switch back and forth between branches.
Once Alice has worked on her new branch, she might be ready to merge that branch back into the master branch so it becomes part of the primary project. GitHub has a nice feature called pull requests that simply this process. To create a pull request, Alice would first go to the branch page on GitHub for this repository.
She then just needs to click on New pull request next to her branch. You must carefully select the base fork! If you simply choose the default you will try to merge your branch into the repository that is part of the CMPT-295-SFU GitHub organization. Click on base fork and select [githubid]/git-tutorial. Alice can leave a comment about what this new branch does. Other students can use the pull request page on GitHub to comment on and monitor the new branch.
Users can continue to develop and work on the branch until it is ready to be merged into master. When the pull request is ready to be accepted, a user simply clicks on Merge pull request on the GitHub pull request page. When this is finished the Git history for this example would look like this:
% cd \${ALICE}
% git pull
% git log --oneline --graph
- f77c7f2 Merge pull request #1 from cbatten/alice-animals
| \* fe471e9 ALICE: initial animal list
- | 80765f3 BOB: added date to fruit list
- 7393cac ALICE: added kiwi to fruit list
- 4c1fff6 ALICE: added kiwi to fruit list
- 1982bea BOB: added potato to vegetable list
- 5fd4d2e ALICE: added plum to fruit list
- eaab790 Merge branch ’master’ of
| \* e44ab18 ALICE: added lemon to fruit list
- | 4a053a6 BOB: initial vegetable list
- 2a431b0 BOB: added peach to fruit list
- 98ad45a ALICE: added banana to fruit list
TravisCI is an online continuous integration service that is tightly coupled to GitHub. TravisCI will automatically run all tests for a student’s programming assignment every time the students push their code to GitHub. We will be using the results reported by TravisCI to evaluate the code func-tionality of the programming assignments. In this section, we do a small experiment to illustrate how TravisCI works.
The first step is to enable TravisCI for the remote repository in GitHub. Login to TravisCI using your
GitHub username and password: ( (_ Note that you should have a github education account enabled for supporting private repositories. _). Sign up here (
Once you have signed in, you should go to your TravisCI profile and find the list of your public GitHub repositories. You may need to click Sync to ensure that TravisCI has the most recent view of your public repositories on GitHub. Turn on TravisCI with the little “switch” next to the reposi-tory we have been using in this tutorial ([githubid]/git-tutorial). Figure 4 shows what the TravisCI settings page should look like and the corresponding “switch”. After enabling TravisCI for the [githubid]/git-tutorial repository, you should be able to go to the TravisCI page for this repository:
TravisCI will report that there are no builds for this repository yet. TravisCI looks for a special file named .travis.yml in the top of your repository to determine how to build and test your project. We have already created one of those files for you, and you can see it here:
% cd \${TUTROOT}
% cat .travis.yml
The .travis.yml file for this tutorial is very simple. It just uses the grep command to check if the fruit blueberry is in the fruit.txt file. If the blueberry is present then the test passes, otherwise the test fails. Let’s add melon to the list of fruits in our local repository and then push the corresponding commit to the remote repository on GitHub.
% cd \${TUTROOT}
% git pull --rebase
% echo "melon" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -a -m "added melon to fruit list"
% git push
Notice how we first use the git pull command to ensure our local repository has all of the commits from the remote repository on GitHub. Revisit the TravisCI page for this repository. You should be able to see the build log which shows TravisCI running the grep command. The test should fail because blueberry is not currently in the fruit.txt file. Now let’s add blueberry and then push the corresponding to commit to trigger another build on TravisCI.
% cd \${TUTROOT}
% echo "blueberry" >> fruit.txt
% git commit -a -m "added blueberry to fruit list"
% git push
If you revisit the TravisCI page for this repository, you should see something similar to Figure 5. The TravisCI shows the status of the build as well as all of the output from the build. You should be able to see the test on TravisCI passing. TravisCI display the complete build history so you can see exactly which commits pass or fail the test suite, and you can also see the build status for branches and pull requests:
By ensuring that all of the tests pass for a branch or pull request, students can always be confident that merging those branches or pull requests into the master branch will not break anything.
Using TravisCI to perform continuous integration testing is a key component of an agile develop-ment methodology. It means the entire group can quickly spot commits which break certain tests, and always be certain that their master branch is passing all tests before submitting the program-ming assignment. The course staff will actually be using TravisCI to grade your programming as-signments. The staff will be able to look at the build log in TravisCI to see if your assignment is passing your own test suite, and then the staff can add more tests to see if your assignment passes a more exhaustive test suite.
_ Derived from documents written by Sreesha Srinath and Christopher Batten _