Ted Nelson and the Xanadu project are outlined starting from the URL
Nicholas Negroponte's work at the MIT Media Lab can be accessed at
Douglas Engelbart, and the history of the "On-Line System" is detailed at this link
An introduction to the history and essential workings of television can be found at this link
Georgia Tech's Electronic Housecall system, and an explanation of ``Telemedical patient consultative encounters" can be found
Negroponte and Wiesner co-founded the MIT Media Lab, and that lab is still going strong -- it is arguably the most influential ideas factory in the world.
The World Wide Web is of course very important. You can find all sorts of information regarding web standards, including XML, at this link
Java and client-side execution started in 1995: to see ``Duke", the first JAVA Applet go to Link to Duke.
Music Sequencing and Notation
Cakewalk Express is available for download from the link
Cubase Score information is available from the URL
Digital Audio
A link to Digital Audio information for the Sound Forge tool may be accessed here. This web page includes a link to the Sonic Foundry company and also a sample Sound Forge file and the resulting output WAV file. The example combines left and right channel information in a complex fashion. Very little effort is required to produce extremely sophisticated sounding special effects using this tool.
Digidesign is one firm offering high-end Macintosh software, which can even involve purchasing extra boards for specialized processing. Their Pro Tools Audio software description is linked from
Syntrillium offers the powerful software package Cool Edit, which emulates a professional sound studio on your computer. The website is
Graphics and Image Editing
Adobe Photoshop information can ve viewed at the URL
Video Editing
Adobe Premiere information is available from the link
Videoshop (now Strata DV) information is online at
SoftImage information for 3D animation is at
An Adobe LiveMotion link is at
A very complete introduction to 3D Studio Max can be found at
The official site for Java3D is
Multimedia Authoring
Authorware, by Macromedia, has a web site
Information on the latest version of Quest may be found at