- Provided by
- Class Hierarchy
conf-object → log-object → clock
- Interfaces Implemented
log_object, event_poster, exception, int_register, processor
- Description
generic clock
- Attributes inherited from class conf-object
attributes, classname, component, iface, name, object_id, queue
- Attributes inherited from class log-object
access_count, log_buffer, log_buffer_last, log_buffer_size, log_group_mask, log_groups, log_level, log_type_mask
- Attribute List
- big_endian
- Pseudo attribute; read-only access; type: Integer.
This attribute is 1 if the processor uses big-endian byte order and 0 if it uses little-endian.
- cycle_fractions
- Optional attribute; read/write access; type: Integer.
Modeling parameter related to processor scheduling.
- cycles
- Optional attribute; read/write access; type: Integer.
Time measured in cycles from machine start.
- event_desc
- Pseudo attribute; read-only access; ; integer indexed; indexed type: [[o|n,s,i]*].
((object, description, time)*). All events in queue with a human-readable description. The attribute is indexed by queue (Sim_Queue_Step/Time).
- freq_mhz
- Required attribute; read/write access; type: i|f.
Processor clock frequency in MHz.
- step_per_cycle_mode
- Optional attribute; read/write access; type: String.
"constant" indicates a constant finite step/cycle factor; "infinite" means that steps are run without advancing time.
- step_queue
- Optional attribute; read/write access; type: [[o|n,a,s,i]*].
((object, value, slot, step)*). Pending step queue events. object must implement the event_poster interface.
- step_rate
- Optional attribute; read/write access; type: [iii].
(q, p, r) where q/p is the step per cycle rate, p is a power of 2 and r indicates how much of a cycle that the current step has consumed.
- steps
- Optional attribute; read/write access; type: Integer.
Number steps executed since machine start.
- time_queue
- Optional attribute; read/write access; type: [[o|n,a,s,i]*].
((object, value, slot, cycle)*). Pending time queue events. object must implement the event_poster interface.
Command List
- Commands defined by interface log_object
log, log-group, log-level, log-size, log-type
- Commands defined by interface processor
add-memory-profiler, aprof-views, attach-branch-recorder, break-cr, cycle-break, cycle-break-absolute, detach-branch-recorder, disable, disassemble, down, enable, frame, info, instruction-fetch-mode, io-read, io-write, list, list-memory-profilers, load-binary, logical-to-physical, pos, pregs, pregs-hyper, print-statistics, print-time, psym, read, read-reg, register-number, remove-memory-profiler, set-context, set-pc, stack-trace, start-instruction-profiling, step-break, step-break-absolute, sum, symval, trace-cr, unbreak-cr, untrace-cr, up, wait-for-cycle, wait-for-step, write, write-reg, x