Racket Practice Questions (Solutions)

In the following questions, pred is a predicate, i.e. a function that takes one input and returns either #t or #f. If (pred x) is #t, then we say that x satsifies pred.

  1. Implement a function called (some? pred lst) that returns #t if 1, or more, elements of lst satisfy pred, and #f otherwise. This is essentially the same as Racket’s ormap function, so don’t use ormap (or andmap) anywhere in your answers.

    Implement this two different ways:

    1. Recursively using basic Racket functions.
    2. Using a single call to the standard Racket foldr function (and no recursion).

    Sample solution:

    ;; 1.
    (define (some1? pred lst)
        ((empty? lst)
        ((pred (first lst))
         (some1? pred (rest lst)))))
    ;; 2.
    (define (some2? pred lst)
      (foldr (lambda (a b) (or (pred a) b)) #f lst))
  2. Implement a function called (all? pred lst) that returns #t if all the elements of lst satisfy pred, and #f otherwise. This is essentially the same as Racket’s andmap function, so don’t use andmap (or ormap) anywhere in your answers. Implement this three different ways:

    1. Recursively using basic Racket functions.
    2. Using a single call to the standard Racket foldr function (and no recursion).
    3. Using the some? function from the previous question, and no recursion or use of foldr.

    Sample solution:

    ;; 1.
    (define all1?
        (lambda (pred lst)
                ((null? lst)
                    (and (pred (car lst))
                         (all1? pred (cdr lst))))
    ;; 2.
    (define all2?
        (lambda (pred lst)
            (fold (lambda (a b) (and (pred a) b)) #t lst)
    ;; 3.
    (define all3?
        (lambda (pred lst)
            (not (some? (lambda (x) (not (pred x)))
  3. Implement a function called (none? pred lst) that returns #t if 0 elements of lst satisfy pred, and #f otherwise. Implement this three different ways:

    1. Recursively using basic Racket functions.
    2. Using a single call to the standard Racket foldr function (and no recursion).
    3. Using the some? and/or all? functions from the previous question, and no recursion, and no use of other high-order functions such as foldr.

    Sample solution:

    ;; 1.
    (define (none1 pred lst)
      (or (empty? lst)
          (and (not (pred (first lst)))
               (none1 pred (rest lst)))))
    ;; 2.
    (define (none2 pred lst)
      (foldr (lambda (a acc) (and (not (pred a)) acc))
             #t lst))
    ;; 3.
    (define (none3 pred lst)
      (all? (lambda (x) (not (pred x))) lst))
  4. Implement a function called (sat-n? pred n lst) that returns #t if exactly n elements of lst satisfy pred, and #f otherwise.

    Sample solution:

    (define (sat-n? pred n lst)
        ((null? lst)
         (= n 0))
        ((pred (first lst))
         (sat-n? pred (- n 1) (rest lst)))
         (sat-n? pred n (rest lst)))))
  5. Implement a function called (sat-count pred lst) that returns the total number of elements of lst that satisfy pred. As an extra constraint, there should be, at most, one call to sat-count in the body of sat-count.

    Sample solution:

    (define (sat-count1 pred lst)
      (if (empty? lst)
          (+ (if (pred (first lst)) 1 0)
             (sat-count1 pred (rest lst)))))
    (define (sat-count2 pred lst) (length (filter pred lst)))
  6. Re-implement some?, all?, none?, and sat-n? using a single call to sat-count for each.

    Sample solution:

    (define (some? pred lst)
      (> (sat-count1 pred lst) 0))
    (define (all? pred lst)
      (= (sat-count1 pred lst) (length lst)))
    (define (none? pred lst)
      (= (sat-count1 pred lst) 0))
    (define (sat-n? pred n lst)
      (= n (sat-count1 pred lst)))
  7. Racket has a function called (negate pred) that returns a new predicate that is the negation of pred. For example (negate zero?) returns a new function that returns #t when it is passed a non-zero input, and #f if it is passed 0.

    Implement your own version of negate.

    Sample solution:

    (define (my-negate pred)
      (lambda (x) (not (pred x))))
  8. Racket has a function called (conjoin pred1 pred2) that returns a new predicate that behaves the same as pred1 and pred2 and-ed together.

    Implement your own version of conjoin.

    Sample solution:

    (define (my-conjoin pred1 pred2)
      (lambda (x) (and (pred1 x) (pred2 x))))
  9. Implement a function called (conjoin-all plist), where plist is a non-empty list of predicate functions, that returns a new predicate that is logically equivalent to the conjunction of all the predicates on plist.

    For example:

    (define f
      (conjoin-all (list (lambda (n) (> n 0))
                         (lambda (n) (<= n 10))

    f is a predicate such that (f x) is true when x is bigger than 0, less than or equal to 10, and odd. So (f 0) and (f 4) are false, and (f 1) and (f 7) are true.

    Sample solution:

    (define (conjoin-all plist)
      (cond ((empty? plist)
             (error "need at least one predicate"))
            ((empty? (rest plist))
             (first plist))
             (my-conjoin (first plist)
                         (conjoin-all (rest plist))))))