User Defined Types in Haskell¶
In this note, we’ll look at how to define our own data types in Haskell.
Example: Seasons Type¶
is an example of a user-created data type:
data Season = Winter | Spring | Summer | Fall
deriving (Eq, Show)
is the name of the type, and it’s four possible values are
, Spring
, Summer
, and Fall
. It is similar to an
enumerated type in a language like C++ or Java.
The Eq
in the deriving
clause lets us use ==
and /=
. Show
lets Season
values be converted to strings so
that, for instance, they can be printed in the interpreter.
For example:
> Winter
> :type Winter
Winter :: Season
> Summer == Fall
> Summer /= Summer
Here’s an example of how to use it in a function:
seasonCode :: Season -> Int
seasonCode Winter = 1
seasonCode Spring = 2
seasonCode Summer = 4
seasonCode Fall = 6
For example:
> seasonCode Spring
> seasonCode Fall
Example: Basic Shape Type¶
is a programmer defined type that represents circles and
rectangles. It has two values, and both take inputs. Circle
is a data
constructor for BasicShape
, and it takes one Float
as input (the
radius), while Rect
is a data constructor that takes two Float
s as
input (width and height):
data BasicShape = BasicCircle Float | BasicRect Float Float
deriving Show
For example:
> BasicCircle 5
BasicCircle 5.0
> :type BasicCircle 5
BasicCircle 5 :: BasicShape
> BasicRect 2.2 3
BasicRect 2.2 3.0
> :type BasicRect 2.2 3
BasicRect 2.2 3 :: BasicShape
Give a BasicShape
value, we don’t know if it’s a circle or a rectangle, so
we have to check for both cases. For example:
basicArea :: BasicShape -> Float
basicArea (BasicCircle r) = pi * r^2
basicArea (BasicRect w h) = w * h
Each equation in basicArea
defines area formula for the possible shapes.
You call it like this:
> basicArea (BasicCircle 2)
> basicCircum (BasicRect 2 4)
Here’s another function that calculates the circumference of a basic shape:
basicCircum :: BasicShape -> Float
basicCircum (BasicCircle r) = 2 * pi * r
basicCircum (BasicRect w h) = 2 * (w + h)
Again, notice that we handle each case of BasicShape
Example: the Shape Type¶
Here’s a slightly more sophisticated example where we use a Point
type to create a Shape
date type:
data Point = Point Float Float
deriving (Show, Eq)
This function calculates the distance between two points:
dist :: Point -> Point -> Float
dist (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = sqrt (dx^2 + dy^2)
where dx = x1 - x2
dy = y1 - y2
As an aside, we can now define a function that calculates the distance from a point to the origin very simply like this:
dist_to_origin :: Point -> Float
dist_to_origin = dist (Point 0 0)
Since dist
is a curried function, dist (Point 0 0)
evaluates to a
function that takes one Point
as input and returns a Float
. Notice
there is no need to write an variable for the input to dist_to_origin
Now lets create a Shape
data type that uses Point
data Shape = Circle Point Float | Rect Point Float Float
deriving (Show, Eq)
The idea is that a circle stores its location and radius, and a rectangle stores its location and dimensions.
Here are some sample functions:
area :: Shape -> Float
area (Circle (Point x y) r) = 2 * pi * r
area (Rect (Point x y) w h) = 2 * (w + h)
Notice that we don’t need a shape’s location to calculate its area, and so we
could write underscores in place of x
and y
-- Alternative implementation using _ for unused variables:
area :: Shape -> Float
area (Circle _ r) = 2 * pi * r
area (Rect _ w h) = 2 * (w + h)
Next, here’s a helper function for getting a shape’s location:
location :: Shape -> Point
location (Circle pt _) = pt
location (Rect pt _ _) = pt
And finally a function that calculates the distance between two shapes:
shapeDist :: Shape -> Shape -> Float
shapeDist s1 s2 = dist (location s1) (location s2)
Parameterized Type Example: Maybe¶
Haskell lets you create types that take a type as input, e.g.:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a -- Maybe is pre-defined in Haskell
Here, a
is a type variable that can be any type. The idea is that a
value of type Maybe a
could either be a value of type a
, or it could
be nothing at all. You can think of Maybe a
like a box that either
contains an a
value, or it is empty and contains Nothing
You could use Maybe
to represent a list that may have some unknown
> lst = [Just 3, Just 6, Nothing, Just 2]
> lst
[Just 3,Just 6,Nothing,Just 2]
> :type lst
lst :: [Maybe Integer]
This kind of list might be generated by, say, a sensor that, due to hardware
imperfections, sometimes returns incorrect results. The Nothing
indicates when an invalid value was returned.
You can sum a list of Maybe Integer
s like this:
maybeSum :: [Maybe Integer] -> Integer
maybeSum [] = 0
maybeSum (Nothing:xs) = maybeSum xs
maybeSum ((Just x):xs) = x + (maybeSum xs)
The idea here is to treat the Nothing
values as 0.
You can also use Maybe
in calculations where the result might fail, e.g.:
safeInvert :: Float -> Maybe Float
safeInvert 0.0 = Nothing
safeInvert x = Just (1.0 / x)
For instance:
> safeInvert 2
Just 0.5
> safeInvert 0
You can’t directly use the result of invert
in calculations with Haskell’s
regular arithmetic operators, like +
and *
, because it returns values
of type Maybe Float
, not Float
. You are also forced to handle the case
when the result is Nothing
, which, while perhaps tedious, ensures errors
are not ignored.
maybeAdd :: Maybe Float -> Maybe Float -> Maybe Float
maybeAdd Nothing _ = Nothing
maybeAdd _ Nothing = Nothing
maybeAdd (Just x) (Just y) = Just (x + y)
For example:
> maybeAdd (safeInvert 2) (safeInvert 2)
Just 1.0
> maybeAdd (safeInvert 2) (safeInvert 0)
Parameterized Type Example: Either¶
The Either
type is a generalization of Maybe
, and is defined in the
standard Haskell prelude like this:
data Either a b = Left a | Right b -- Either is defined in the prelude
The type Either a b
represents a single value that is either of type
, or of type b
. For example:
> :type [Left 1, Right "cat", Left 2, Right "dog"]
Num a => [Either a [Char]]
In a way, this lets us have lists stores two different types of values.
Either a b
is often used as an error type, where the a
value is the
error result, and the b
is the non-error (i.e. the “right”) result.
Recursive Type Example: Binary Search Trees¶
As another example of parameterized types, lets implement a basic binary search tree:
data BST a = EmptyBST | Node a (BST a) (BST a)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
This says that a BST
is either empty, or it is a Node
consisting of a
value of type a
(i.e. the data stored in the node), and two trees of type
(i.e. the left and right subtrees of the node).
For example:
bstInsert :: Ord a => BST a -> a -> BST a
bstInsert EmptyBST x = Node x EmptyBST EmptyBST
bstInsert (Node val left right) x = if x < val then
Node val (bstInsert left x) right
Node val left (bstInsert right x)
Ord a
says that type a
must be a type that can be compared with
operators like <
and >=
> bstInsert (bstInsert EmptyBST 5) 9
Node 5 EmptyBST (Node 9 EmptyBST EmptyBST)
> bstInsert (bstInsert (bstInsert EmptyBST 5) 9) 2
Node 5 (Node 2 EmptyBST EmptyBST) (Node 9 EmptyBST EmptyBST)
> bstInsert (bstInsert (bstInsert (bstInsert EmptyBST 5) 9) 2) 3
Node 5 (Node 2 EmptyBST (Node 3 EmptyBST EmptyBST)) (Node 9 EmptyBST EmptyBST)
tests if a value is a BST or not:
bstContains :: Ord a => BST a -> a -> Bool
bstContains EmptyBST _ = False
bstContains (Node val left right) x
| val == x = True
| val < x = bstContains right x
| val > x = bstContains left x
For example:
> t = bstInsert (bstInsert (bstInsert (bstInsert EmptyBST 5) 9) 2) 3
> bstContains t 3
> bstContains t 4
An inorder traversal of a BST visits the elements in ascending sorted order:
bstInorder :: BST a -> [a]
bstInorder EmptyBST = []
bstInorder (Node val left right) = (bstInorder left) ++ [val] ++ (bstInorder right)
For example:
> let t = bstInsert (bstInsert (bstInsert (bstInsert EmptyBST 5) 9) 2) 3
> bstInorder t
We can now implement a basic version of tree sort. Just insert all the
elements of a list into a BST, and then extract them with bstInorder
toBST :: Ord a => [a] -> BST a
toBST [] = EmptyBST
toBST (x:xs) = bstInsert (toBST xs) x
treesort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
treesort x = bstInorder (toBST x)
For example:
> treesort [81, 79, 81, 82, 90, 77, 75]