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Each student is expected to produce a nameplate and to place it in front of them in every class and every tutorial, starting Friday, Sept. 7 until the end of the term. Marks will be deducted for failure to have and display nameplates.

A nameplate must be printed, not hand-lettered. To make a nameplate, divide an 8.5 x 11-inch page into four vertical columns, and print your name (first name, or what you like to be called) vertically on the two center columns, as shown below. Use a clearly legible conservative font, not a script font or anything funky. Make sure that the font is large (consuming at least 2/3 of the height of the nameplate), black (not grey), and heavy enough that someone with poor eyesight can read the name from across the room. Arial bold is recommended.


Next, fold along the half and quarter lines from the back to form the page into a triangular cylinder, overlapping the outer quarters:


You may find tape, staples, or paper clips handy in getting your nameplate to hold together or stand upright. No sagging, flat, or crumpled nameplates allowed.