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  25% Class participation and reading reports
  30% Project: individual coding, code reviews, group dynamics

20% Project: group mark on process and overall production

  25% Final exam

Students will be called upon in class to answer questions and make comments. They will be marked on the clarity and depth of their utterances. Questions and discussion are encouraged. Students are expected to be at every class, on time. If I call on a student and that student is not present, they get a zero mark for that participation opportunity. A student similarly gets a zero mark if they are not present at the full lab session for their group. I may also simply take and mark attendance without calling on particular students..

Project marks are given based on performance within project guidelines. For instance, I don't care if you "got the code working" but you neglected to follow other specified guidelines, like writing unit tests, writing documentation, proper repository usage, design before coding, etc. Your contribution to your group's dynamics and productivity will be marked: software development is a team undertaking, not an individual one.