Dominik Szopa



I am a highly motivated and positive Computer Science student specializing in Internet technologies and Multimedia. My studies at SFU are focused on computer graphics and user-interface design. My strengths lie in my ability to produce creative and well-designed solutions to computer-related problems and projects.

Computer-Related Skills

Programming Languages
  • JAVA
  • C
  • Turbo Pascal
  • Modula-2
  • FileMaker Pro

Also some experience in:
  • Maple
  • LISP
  • Basic
  • Design Works
Internet Technologies
  • HTML
  • JAVA
  • JavaScript
  • VBScript
  • Portable Document Format
  • Adobe Photoshop 4.0
  • Macromedia Freehand 7
  • Adobe Premier
  • Adobe Illustrator
Hardware and Operating Systems
  • Windows 95
  • Windows 3.xx
  • MS-DOS
  • Unix
  • Intel-based machines
  • Modems
  • Sound Cards
Application Software
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • MSOffice 97
  • PCAnywhere 32
  • All Internet Software

Related work experience and portfolio

The Squeeze Page

Currently designing a web page for use in teaching compression to the CMPT 365 class taught by Dr. Ze-Nian Li. This page will include graphical JAVA applets, which demonstrate the compression of data in a computer. I have used several creative solutions to overcome development problems.

Seycove Secondary School

I am currently teaching an optional class in JAVA for Grade 12 students twice a week. I have taught classes there for the last two years, also in Turbo Pascal. Each week I present a new example for the class to work through that keeps the interest level high.

Mt. Seymour Resorts

Independently created a Public Ski Lesson Registration Program for their Ski School in FileMaker Pro. Completed the entire System Development Life Cycle in one season, including testing and maintenance, providing reports and estimations along the way. Also maintain the entire mountain's computer systems for software and hardware maintenance since 1994.


CMPT 365 - Multimedia Systems

Excelled in this course related to Multimedia technologies and standards including graphics, sound and video. Received an A- grade. Completed my final project in JAVA and am working on a web page for the professor as an extension of that project.

CMPT 275 - Software Engineering

Acted as the Project Manager for our group semester project. Coordinated my team to prepare and implement the system throughout the entire System Development Life Cycle.

Simon Fraser University

Currently enrolled with a majour in Computer Science and a minor in Philosophy. Have received a GPA of 3.5 or above for the last three semesters.

Seycove Secondary School

Graduated with Honours. Distinguished myself in Computers and Mathematics, in which I won numerous awards. I passed the ciruculum in Computer and later taught some computer classes.

British Columbia SuperHost Program

Program set up by the government of British Columbia to teach skills needed in customer relations. Very valuable course for any job in the service sector as it teaches you to be a better host to your customer.

References available upon request