create type Person(name MyString,
social-security integer) [5pt] create type Student
(degree MyString,
department MyString)
under Person
create type Teacher
(salary integer,
department MyString)
under Person
under Student with (department as student-dept),
under Teacher with (department as teacher-dept)
create type TeachingAssistant
To avoid creation of too many subtypes, one approach in the context of database systems is to allow an object to have multiple types without having a most specific type.
Object-relational systems can model such a feature by using inheritance at the level of tables, rather than types, and allowing an entity to exist in more than one table at once.
(name MyString,
social-security integer)
create table students
(degree MyString,
department MyString)
under people
create table teachers
(salary integer,
department MyString)
under people
create table people
create type TeachingAssistantunder Student with (department as student-dept),
under Teacher with (department as student-dept)
Based on the consistency requirements for subtables, if an entity is present in the teaching-assistant table, it is also present in the teachers and in the students table.