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Nesting and Unnesting

  1. The transformation of a nested relation into 1NF is called unnesting.
  2. Example. To complete unnest the doc relation, we have

    		 select name, A as author,, date.month, date.year, 
    	K as keyword

    from doc as B, as A, B.keyword-list as K

  3. The reverse operation of transformation of a 1NF relation into a nested relation is called nesting.
  4. Example. To nest the relation flat-doc on the attribute keyword, we have

    		 select title, author, (day, month, year) as date, 
    	set(keyword) as keyword-list

    from flat-doc

    groupby title, author, date

    This wil generate the following table.


  5. Example. To convert flat-doc back to the nested table doc, we have

    		 select title, set(author) as author-list, 
    	(day, month, year) as date, 
    	set(keyword) as keyword-list

    from flat-doc

    groupby title, date

Osmar Zaiane
Tue Jul 7 15:03:55 PDT 1998