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The ODMG (Object Database Management Group) has been working on
standardizing language extensions to C++ and smalltalk to support
persistence, and on defining class libraries to support persistence.
There are two parts to the ODMG C++ extension: (1) the C++ Object Definition
Language (C++ ODL); and (2) the C++ Object Manipulation Language (C++ OML).
An example the ODMG C++ Object Definition Language is in Figure 8.7.
Person and Account are subclasses of Persistence_Object,
and objects in these classes can therefore be made persistent.
Customer is a subclass of Person and is thus also a
subclass of Persistence_Object.
Methods can be directly invoked and behave like procedure calls.
The keyword private indicates that the following attributes or methods
are visible to only methods of the class; public indicates that the
attributes or methods are visible to other code as well.
Type Ref Branch is a reference, or persistent
pointer, to an object of type Branch.
Referential integrity constraint is specified using inverse.
E.g., inverse Account: owners for the attribute accounts
says that, for each account object referenced in the accounts
set of Customer object, the field owners of the account object
must contain a reference back to the Customer object.
Osmar Zaiane
Mon Jun 29 17:30:13 PDT 1998