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Closure of a Set of Functional Dependencies

  1. We need to consider all functional dependencies that hold. Given a set F of functional dependencies, we can prove that certain other ones also hold. We say these ones are logically implied by F.
  2. Suppose we are given a relation scheme R=(A,B,C,G,H,I), and the set of functional dependencies:

     A  tex2html_wrap_inline1090  B 

    A tex2html_wrap_inline1090 C

    CG tex2html_wrap_inline1090 H

    CG tex2html_wrap_inline1090 I

    B tex2html_wrap_inline1090 H

    Then the functional dependency tex2html_wrap_inline1194 is logically implied.

  3. To see why, let tex2html_wrap_inline940 and tex2html_wrap_inline946 be tuples such that


    As we are given A tex2html_wrap_inline1090 B , it follows that we must also have


    Further, since we also have B tex2html_wrap_inline1090 H , we must also have


    Thus, whenever two tuples have the same value on A, they must also have the same value on H, and we can say that A tex2html_wrap_inline1090 H .

  4. The closure of a set F of functional dependencies is the set of all functional dependencies logically implied by F.
  5. We denote the closure of F by tex2html_wrap_inline1222 .
  6. To compute tex2html_wrap_inline1222 , we can use some rules of inference called Armstrong's Axioms:
  7. These rules are sound because they do not generate any incorrect functional dependencies. They are also complete as they generate all of tex2html_wrap_inline1222 .
  8. To make life easier we can use some additional rules, derivable from Armstrong's Axioms:
  9. Applying these rules to the scheme and set F mentioned above, we can derive the following:

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Osmar Zaiane
Tue Jun 9 15:12:55 PDT 1998