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Aggregate Functions

  1. In SQL we can compute functions on groups of tuples using the group by clause.

    Attributes given are used to form groups with the same values. SQL can then compute

    These are called aggregate functions. They return a single value.

  2. Some examples:
    1. Find the average account balance at each branch.

       select bname, avg (balance)

      from account

      group by bname

    2. Find the number of depositors at each branch.

       select bname, count (distinct cname)

      from account, depositor

      where account.account# = depositor.account#

      group by bname

      We use distinct so that a person having more than one account will not be counted more than once.

    3. Find branches and their average balances where the average balance is more than $1200.

       select bname, avg (balance)

      from account

      group by bname

      having avg (balance) > 1200

      Predicates in the having clause are applied after the formation of groups.

    4. Find the average balance of each customer who lives in Vancouver and has at least three accounts:

       select depositor.cname, avg (balance)

      from depositor, account, customer

      where depositor.cname = customer.cname and account.account# = depositor.account#

      and ccity=``Vancouver''

      group by depositor.cname

      having count (distinct account#) tex2html_wrap_inline1808 3

  3. If a where clause and a having clause appear in the same query, the where clause predicate is applied first.

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Osmar Zaiane
Fri May 22 19:39:12 PDT 1998