Up: Multiple-Key Access
Previous: Grid File
- An alternative approach to multiple-key queries.
- To construct a structure for queries on deposit involving bname
and cname, we construct a hash structure for the key (cname, bname).
- We split this hash function into two parts, one for each part of the
- The first part depends only on the cname value.
- The second part depends only on the bname value.
- Figure 11.32 shows a sample partitioned hash function.
- Note that pairs with the same cname or bname value will
have 3 bits the same in the appropriate position.
- To find the balance in all of Williams' accounts at the Perryridge
branch, we compute h(Williams, Perryridge) and access the hash structure.
The same hash structure can be used to answer a query on one
of the search keys:
- Compute part of partitioned hash.
- Access hash structure and scan buckets for which that part of the
hash coincides.
- Text doesn't say so, but the hash structure must have some grid-like
form imposed on it to enable searching the structure based on only some part of
the hash.
Partitioned hashing can also be extended to n-key search.
Osmar Zaiane
Mon Jul 13 13:28:03 PDT 1998