Database Administrator
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The database administrator is a person having central
control over data and programs accessing that data.
Duties of the database administrator include:
- Scheme definition: the creation of the original database scheme.
This involves writing a set of definitions in a DDL (data storage and
definition language), compiled by the DDL compiler into a set of tables
stored in the data dictionary.
- Storage structure and access method definition:
writing a set of definitions translated by the data storage and definition
language compiler
- Scheme and physical organization modification:
writing a set of definitions used by the DDL compiler to generate
modifications to appropriate internal system tables (e.g. data dictionary).
This is done rarely, but sometimes the database scheme or physical
organization must be modified.
- Granting of authorization for data access:
granting different types of authorization for data access to various users
- Integrity constraint specification:
generating integrity constraints.
These are consulted by the database manager module whenever updates occur.
Page created and maintained by Osmar R. Zaï ane
Last Update:
Sun Sep 10 16:58:49 PDT 1995