Starting with Synopsys

  1. First, log on to orion.csil .
  2. Create a directory for your work: mkdir stuff .
  3. Move into that directory: cd stuff .
  4. Create a file called .synopsys_vss.setup (yes, it starts with a dot), containing your setup. For example:
    -- choose the type of editor you prefer in using gvan, vhdldbx
    EDITCMD         = sterm -T Synopsys-Editor -e emacs
    -- the time unit in simulation
    TIMEBASE        = NS
    -- file containing startup commands for the simulator 
    RUNREAD         = sim.scr
    -- map of working directory (where you put your compiled stuff)
    WORK            > default
    default         : work

    You can download this file if you want. You can put it in your current directory so it applies to only this project, or your home directory, so it applies to all.

  5. Create a work directory, as specified in your setup file. In the above example, mkdir work .
  6. Create a commands file for the simulator to use when it starts up. In the example, this is sim.scr . The file might look something like this:
    -- trace these signals
    trace /tb/x
    trace /tb/y
    trace /tb/z
    -- run the simulation for 900 ns
    run 900      

    You can download this file as well.

  7. Start VHDLing: vhdlan to compile; vhdlsim to simulate.
  8. When you're done, you can erase everything in your work directory. You can always recompile it if you need it, and it's just taking up disk quota: rm -rf work/*

Copyright © Greg Baker, last modified 2003-06-26.