Using VHDL Simili on Linux

These instruction should help you get VHDL Simili running on Linux. Don't do this on the lab machines--it violates the acceptable use policy (plus, Synpsys is already there). This is for those with Linux on a machine of their own.

Installing Simili

  1. Download the Simili package from their web site. Save it in the /tmp/ directory.
  2. Untar the archive. At a shell, cd /tmp and then tar xf Simili20b24-linux-x86.tar .
  3. Install the software. Type ./ and follow the instructions.
  4. Add Simili setup to your startup scripts.

    If your shell is bash or sh, add these lines to your ~/.profile:

    export SYMPHONYEDA="/path/where/you/installed/simili"
    . "$SYMPHONYEDA/bin/"

    If you use csh, add these lines to your ~/.cshrc:

    setenv SYMPHONYEDA "/path/where/you/installed/simili"
    source "$SYMPHONYEDA/bin/init.csh"
  5. Log out and back in.

Running Simili

  1. Compile your models. Run the command vhdlp myfile.vhd for each file.
  2. Create a command file. For example, in a file my.cmd, put lines like:
    add list /tb/x
    add list /tb/y
    add list /tb/z

    These are the variables you're going to trace.

  3. Run the simulation. The command vhdleentity -do my.cmd -t 1000ns will simulate for 1000 ns. This creates a file simili.lst in the current directory with the simulation results.

The simili.lst is a text file and could reasonably read as-is, but you'll probably want to see the waveforms.

Installing and running Visibly

  1. Download Visibly.
  2. Unzip the source with unzip .
  3. Copy both .tcl files into current directory (the one with your with VHDL files).
  4. wish visibly.tcl and open simili.lst .

Copyright © Greg Baker, last modified 2003-06-26.