CMPT 225 Lab - A Template Function


This lab will cover the basics of writing a template function in C++. Templates allows us to create classes or functions that can be used to manipulate data of any type thereby avoiding the need to create multiple similar classes or functions that differ only in the type of data that they use. There are a couple of examples of template classes (List and Stack) posted on the lecture notes page. You can find more about class templates here (about half way down the page), and function templates here.



Let's say I write a function to sort integer arrays. If it was well written it will do a good job of sorting arrays of integers. But what happens when I want to sort an array of strings? Presumably, I must write another function, one that is functionally identical, but where its array parameter contains strings. This seems very inefficient (and prone to irritating errors if I copy and paste much of the code from function to function). And, of course, once I have sorted my strings I may decide that I need to sort some doubles ...


Templates deal with this issue by using template parameters. A template parameter is a parameter that can be given a type as an argument at compile time, at which point the function is created.


In this lab you will make a selection sort template function.


Getting Started

Copy and paste the code at the end of this document into a .cpp file and run it. The code implements the selection sort function (which we will be looking at in class shortly). The algorithm is divided up into three functions.






This is partly to make the three processes involved in the sort explicit and partly to give you more practice turning functions into template functions.


Have a good look at the program and satisfy yourself that you know what it is doing. One thing to note is that the program already includes a template function that prints the contents of an array one line at a time. Its prototype is:


template <class T> print(T arr[], int n);


The keyword template indicates that it is a template function. The <class T> indicates a template parameter. The word class denotes that the argument passed to the template parameter should be a type and T is the name of that template parameter (so the T could be anything).


Selection Sort Template Function

Now change the three functions that make up selection sort into template functions that will sort data of any type. Test that it works correctly by sorting the array of strings that is declared in the program. You can use the print function for a model for how to achieve this. This involves a fair amount of copying and pasting of template parameters, but should also involve some thought. Don't just replace every incidence of int with T. Remember that indexes have to be integers!


Once you are finished sort the array of strings before printing it.


Get Smallest Recursively

If you have time re-write the getSmallest function as a recursive function.




You can find the program file here: cmpt225labtemplate.cpp.



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John Edgar (