CMPT 225 Lab - Profiling


In this lab, you will investigate the amount of work performed by the insert method of a sorted array class. This class maintains a sorted array by finding the correct index for insertion and moving the values above that index up one position. As we will see later in the course there are much better data structures for storing data in order.


Getting Started

Copy and paste the code provided for you at the end of this document into the three files - SortedList.h, SortedList.cpp and ProfileLab.cpp. Then download the text three files (the links to them are just above the code) into the directory with your source code files. Build and run the project to make sure that everything is working correctly; the program should read the animals_rand.txt file into a SortedList object and print each string as it is inserted.


Part 1 - Counting Operations

Modify the insert method of the FixedSortedList class to count and print the number of operations that the method performs.


The insert method is shown below.


void SortedList::insert(string s)


// Throw an error if the array is full

if(current >= max){

throw runtime_error("list is full");



// Find insertion point for item

int pos = current; //insertion point

while(pos > 0 && s < arr[pos-1]){

arr[pos] = arr[pos-1];




// Insert new string

arr[pos] = s;


return 0;



The method contains a single while loop and some statements outside the loop. The while loop moves every string currently in the array that comes after the item to be inserted up one position. When the loop terminates the position variable (pos) contains the index at which the new string should be inserted.


The goal is to count the amount of work that the method performs. We will start by printing two separate counts: the count of the operations that are related to the loop and the count of the operations that are outside the loop. Each statement (however complex it is) is to be counted as one operation.


Here is the modified method.


void SortedList::insert(string s)


int count1 = 0;

int count2 = 0;

// Throw an error if the array is full


if(current >= max){

throw runtime_error("list is full");


// Find insertion point for item

int pos = current; //insertion point


while(pos > 0 && s < arr[pos-1]){

arr[pos] = arr[pos-1];


count2 += 3;



// Insert new string

count1 += 2;

arr[pos] = s;


cout << count1 << " + " << count2;



Once you've altered the insert method, the program's output should look like this:



insert bear: 4 + 453

insert mouse: 4 + 180

insert grizzly: 4 + 297

insert dormouse: 4 + 363

insert steer: 4 + 53

insert chimpanzee: 4 + 417

insert okapi: 4 + 165

insert weasel: 4 + 27


If you review the output you can see that the number of operations tends to increase as the array contains more items, however the number of insertions is also dependent on which string is being inserted. We will now investigate this farther while simplifying the measurement of how much work the insert method performs.


Barometer Operations

It should be obvious that as more and more items are inserted into a FixedSortedList object the number of iterations of the while loop increases (although it varies dependent on what word is inserted). The other thing that is worth noting is that the amount of work that the while loop does is related to the current size of the list (that is, the number of items currently in the list), whereas the amount of work performed by the statements outside the loop never changes - it is constant. We can use the while loop comparison as an estimate of how much work the method is doing, and can therefore refer to it as the method's barometer operation.


Counting Iterations

Rewrite the insert method so that it returns the number of times that the while loop's body is executed. Remove the print statement and all the counts except for the count of the number of times that the while statement is called.


int SortedList::insert(string s)


int count = 0;


// Throw an error if the array is full

if(current >= max){

throw runtime_error("list is full");


// Find insertion point for item

int pos = current; //insertion point

while(pos > 0 && s < arr[pos-1]){

arr[pos] = arr[pos-1];


count++; //just count number of time while loop iterates



// Insert new string

arr[pos] = s;


return count;



Don't forget to change the return type of the insert method in the header file


Comment out the call to profileList. Then remove the comments from the call to barometer in the main function and from the call to insert in the insertCost function's while loop -- line 74: ops = list.insert(s);. The number of iterations of the while loop for each call to insert will be printed. Think about the results and try to determine why the number of operations is so different for the three files. Once you've done this you've completed the lab!



These are the files that you will need for the lab





Program Files


The files for the main program and the SortedList class are provided below.







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John Edgar (