CMPT 212
Fall 1997
Read section Exceptions of chapter 14 from C++ Primer Plus (2nd ed.), by Stephen Prata. |
int i; ... try { if (i < 0) { throw "negative number"; } else { cout << i << endl; } } catch (char * str) { cout << str << endl; }
float square_root(float f) { if (f < 0) { throw "negative number"; } else { return sqrt(f); } } void func() { float f; cin >> f; try { cout << square_root(f) << endl; } catch (char * str) { cout << str << endl; } catch (int i) { cout << i << endl; } catch (...) { cout << "unknown exception" << endl; } }
float square_root(float) throw (char *); void other_func() throw (int, char *); void f() throw (); // throws no execptions.
class myException { public: myException(int i) { ... } void display() { ... } ... }: void f() { try { ... throw myException(3); ... } catch (myException& e) { e.display(); } ... }
catch (derivedException& e) { ... }
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