CMPT 212
Fall 1997
sentence first = oldSentence; // These two lines do the sentence first(oldSentence); // same thing.but it does not solve this one:
sentence first; first = oldSentence; // Initialize an existing instance.For this we need operator overloading.
const sentence& sentence::operator=(const sentence& s) { if (this != &s) { delete [] words; words = new char[strlen(s.words) + 1]; strcpy(words, s.words); count = s.count; } return *this; }
sentence a; sentence b; ... a = b; // These two lines are a.operator=(b); // the same.
sentence a; sentence b; sentence c; ... a = b = c; ... while ((a = readSentence()) != badSentence) { ... }
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const sentence& s) { os << *(s.words); return os; }
sentence a; cout << a. // These two lines are operator<<(cout, a); // the same.
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