CMPT 212
Fall 1997
The following sections of Prata should be a review:
// file multiply.cpp
#include "multiply.h"
int times10(int x) { //
return x*10; // function definition.
} //
// file main.cpp
#include "multiply.h"
int main() {
int number;
cin >> number;
cout << times10(number); // function is called here.
return 0;
// file multiply.h
int times10(int x); // function prototype.
// file multiply.cpp
#include "multiply.h"
static int times2(int x); // function prototype.
int times10(int x) { //
return x*10; // function definition.
} //
int times8(int x) { //
return 4*times2(x); // function definition.
} //
static times2(int x) { //
return x+x; // function definition.
} //
// file multiply.h
int times10(int x); // function prototype.
int times8(int x): // function prototype.
// file main.cpp
#include "multiply.h"
int main() {
int number;
cin >> number;
cout << times10(number);
cout << times8(number);
cout << times2(number); // causes a compiling error.
return 0;
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