How to hand in late assignments in CMPT 212 ------------------------------------------- You may hand in your late assignment in any of these ways: 1. Give it to me in class. 2. Give it to one of the CMPT 212 TAs during their office hours. 3. Give it to me if you happen to see me. 4. Put it in my mailbox in the Computing Science department office, then email me to let me know that it's there. Email me as soon as you can after you hand it in, because I will use the time of your email as your hand-in time. (For example, if you put it in my box on Thursday, but don't email until Friday, I may consider it to be handed in on Friday, unless I happen to check my box on Thursday.) Remember that the office closes at 4:00pm. The late penalty is 10% for 1 day late and 20% for two days late. Assignments later than 2 days will not be accepted. A weekend counts as 2 days. Assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class on the day they are due. - Dave Simpson CMPT 212 instructor