CMPT-212: Object-Oriented Applications Design in C++

Acknowledgement: The lecture notes appearing on these pages are derived from the lecture notes prepared by Russ Tront, Dave Simpson, and Andrew Walenstein.

Click here for the PowerPoint format of the following notes.

Week Course Notes and Readings + Tentative Schedule
1 Course Info
Basic C++ Programs
Control Statements
2 Arrays and Typedef
Pointers and Structures
Post Assignment #1
3 Demonstration of Visual C++ 6.0 [hello world program]
Discuss Assignment #1
4 Functions
5 New C++ Data Types
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Discuss Solution #1
Post Assignment #2
6 C++ Classes (Updated slide #43)
Discuss Assignment #2
7 Single Inheritance (Added slide #22)
Discuss Solution #2
8 Review Session
Midterm (Oct. 23)

Post Assignment #3
9 Multiple Inheritance [ConstructionOrder program]
Discuss Assignment #3
Midterm Solution
10 Exceptions
Advanced New Style I/O
GUI Application Programming
11 Remembrance Day (Nov. 11)
Discuss Solution #3
Post Assignment #4
12 Discuss Assignment #4
MS Windows Programming [SimpleNonMFC program]
Microsoft Foundation Class [SimpleMFC program]
13 Discuss Solution #4
Advanced Windows Concepts (if time permits)
Review Session
15 Final Exam (Dec. 9)