Logical Expressions

In these notes you will learn:

  • How to use relational operators.
  • How to use boolean operators.
  • How to use if-statements.

Boolean Values

There are only two boolean values: true and false. We true and false boolean literals to distinguish them from boolean variables such as this:

boolean offScreen = false;

Here, offScreen is a boolean variable, while false is a boolean literal. They both have the value false.

Any expression that evaluates to a boolean value is called a boolean expression. For example:

if (y + 25 >= 499) {
    // ...

The expression y + 25 >= 499 is a boolean expression, meaning it evaluates to either true or false, depending upon the value of y.

In the rest of this note, we will see the basic operators for constructing boolean expressions.

Some Relational Operators

Since boolean expressions are so important in programming, let’s discuss them in a little more detail.

We’ve just seen >=, which compares numbers and means “greater than or equal to”, e.g. x >= y is true just when x is greater than, or equal to, y, and false otherwise.

Similarly, the expression x <= y evaluates to true if x is less than, or equal to, y, and false otherwise.

Here’s a list a few common boolean expressions. We assume both x and y are numbers:

x >= y   // is x greater than, or equal to, y ?
x <= y   // is x less than, or equal to, y ?

x > y    // is x greater than y ?
x < y    // is x less than y ?

x == y   // is x equal to y ?
x != y   // is x not equal to y ?

>=, <=, <, >, ==, and != are called relational operators, or comparison operators.


The expressions x = y and x == y are not the same Processing. The expression x == y tests if x and y have the same value, while x = y assigns the value of y to x. This is very different than what = usually means in mathematics: the mathematical = means the same as ==.


You cannot chain relational operators together as in mathematics, i.e. this does not work in Processing:

1 < 2 < 3    // bad!

This is an error. To evaluate such an expression you must write this (where && means “and”):

1 < 2 && 2 < 3  // okay!

Most mainstream programming languages have the same restriction, i.e. expressions like 1 < 2 < 3 either cause an error, or don’t work the way you would expect.

Logical Operators

We can also use logical operators to combine boolean expressions. For instance, suppose both a and b are boolean expressions. Then the following are also boolean expressions:

!a       // not a; negation of a

a && b   // a and b; conjunction of a and b

a || b   // a or b; disjunction of a and b

These three logical operators have precise meanings:

  • !a evaluates to true when a is false, and false when a is true.
  • a && b evaluates to true just when both a and b evaluate to true. It evaluates to false if either a, or b, or both a and b, are false.
  • a || b evaluates to true when a is true, or b is true, or both a and b are true. The only time it is false is when both a and b are false.

We can summarize these logical operators using truth-tables. For example, here is the truth table for &&:

a b a && b
false false false
false true false
true false false
true true true

And for ||:

a b a || b
false false false
false true true
true false true
true true true

And !:

a !a
false true
true false

Memorize these tables! Evaluating boolean expressions is one of the most common and important things a program does.


The if-statements we’ve used so far all have this form:

// ... previous statements ...

if (cond) {           // first line is the header
  body statements     // code between { and } is the "body"

// ... following statements ...
If-statement flow-chart.

An if-statement begins with the if token, and is immediately followed by (cond), where cond is a boolean expression, i.e. an expression that evaluates to either true or false (such as y >= 499).

The line with the condition is the if-statement’s header line. After that comes the body of the if-statement. The code in the body is only executed when cond is true; if cond is false, then the body is not executed.


When the body of an if-statement consists of exactly one statement, it is not necessary to write the { and }. For instance:

if (y >= 499)
   y = 0;

Or even more succinctly like this:

if (y >= 499) y = 0;

However, if you are not careful this can lead to confusion about which statements are part of the body. In this course we may occasionally write if-statements without the { and }. When we do, we will almost always but the body statement on the same line as the condition.

If-else Statements

Another useful form of an if-statement is this:

if (cond) {
  A // executed just when cond is true
} else {
  B // executed just when cond is false

If cond is true, then A is executed, and if cond is false, then B is executed.

If-else flow chart.

You can even write combine else and if to make statements like this:

if (cond1) {
  A  // executed just when cond1 is true
} else if (cond2) {
  B  // executed just when cond1 is false and cond2 is true
} else if (cond3) {
  C  // executed just when cond1, cond2 are false, and cond3 is true
} else {
  D  // executed just when cond1, cond2, and cond3 are all false

This is the most general form of an if-statement, and sometimes we call it an if-else-if statement.

Some Examples

Here’s a simple example of how you might use ||, i.e. “or”. Instead of writing y >= 499 in an if-statement, we could write it like this:

if (y == 499 || y > 499) {
   y = 499;

The expression y == 499 || y > 499 is logically equivalent to y >= 499. You could write either one in the program, but y >= 499 is less typing and quite clear, so most programmers prefer it.

As another example, suppose you want to test if y is between, say, 100 and 200. You could do this:

if (y > 100 && y < 200) {
   // ...

The expression y > 100 && y < 200 is true just when y is greater 100 and less then 200.

The ! operator means not. So, for example, to test if y is not equal to 499 we could write this:

if (!(y == 499)) {
   // ...

Equivalently, we could write this using the != (not equal) operator:

if (y != 499) {
   // ...

This second if-statement is usually preferable because it is shorter and clearer than the one with ! in the front.

A Few Sample Questions

Understanding logical expressions is such an important part of programming that it’s useful to work through a few sample questions.

In what follows, assume that x, y, and z are all variables of type int. They each have a value, although we don’t know exactly what those values are.

  1. Write a logical expression that is true just when all of x, y, and z are equal to 5, and false otherwise.

    One solution: x == 5 && y == 5 && z == 5.

    Note that while you can’t write an expression like this in Processing: x == y == z == 5. You must the and operator, &&, to split this into small parts.

  2. Write a logical expression that is true just when none of x, y, and z are equal to 5, and false otherwise.

    One solution: x != 5 && y != 5 && z != 5. In English, you’d read this as “x is not equal to 5, and y is not equal to 5, and z is not equal to 5”.

    Another solution: !(x == 5 || y == 5 || z == 5). In English, this would be “it’s not the case that x equals 5, or y equals 5, or z equals 5”.

    These solutions are logically equivalent, i.e. for the same values of x, y, and z they will always evaluate to the same thing.

  3. Write a logical expression that is true just when exactly one of x, y, and z are equal to 5, and false otherwise.

    One solution:

       (x == 5 && y != 5 && z != 5)
    || (x != 5 && y == 5 && z == 5)
    || (x != 5 && y != 5 && z == 5)

    This is a rather long and complicated-looking expression, but it’s actually pretty straightforward: it lists all the cases when exactly one of the variables equals 5.

  4. Write a logical expression that is true just when x, y, and z all have the same value, and false otherwise.

    One solution: x == y && y == z.

    Another solution: x == y && y == z && x == z.

    Notice that the second solution includes the first solution in it. The extra term x == z is allowed, but it isn’t necessary because x and y are the same, and y and z are the same, then it must also be the case that x and z are the same.

    Also, the following is incorrect: x == y == z. You must use the and operator, && to compare pairs of variables.

  5. Write a logical expression that is true just when x, y, and z all have different values, and false otherwise.

    One solution: x != y && x != z && y != z.

    All three terms are necessary here. If you were to leave out, say, y != z, then you’d get the expression x != y && x != z && y != z, which does not solve the question (e.g. test it with x equal to 2, y equal to 2, and z equal to 3).

    Another solution: !(x == y) && !(x == z) && !(y == z). What we’ve done here is replace each expression of the form a != b with the logically equivalent expression !(a == b). In English, this says that if a and b are different, then it’s not the case that they are equal.

    Yet another solution: !(x == y || x == z || y == z). In English, this expression says “it’s not the case any pair of the variables is equal”, which is logically equivalent to say they are all different.

    Among experienced programmers, the first solution is probably the most common. But the others are okay too, especially if they reflect how you think about what the expression means.


  1. List all possible boolean values.

  2. For each of the following expressions, say whether it is true or false:

    • 1 == 2
    • 1 != 2
    • 1 + 3 < 13
    • 5 > 5
    • (1 + 2) == (4 - 1)
  3. Suppose x and y are both variables of type int. They’ve been assigned different values, but we don’t know exactly what they are. For each of the following expressions, say whether it is true or false:

    • x == y
    • x != y
    • x == x
    • y >= y
    • (x + y) == (y + x)
  4. Briefly describe the meaning of !, &&, and ||.

  5. What are all the possible boolean values of a and b that make the expression a || b false?

  6. The expression (x < y) || (x == y) can be written as the shorter and logically equivalent expression x <= y. Re-write each of the following expression as a shorter equivalent expression:

    • (x > y) || (x == y)
    • !(x == y)
    • (x <= y) && (x != y)
    • !(x == y) && (x >= y)
    • x != x
  7. For each of the following expressions, state if it is true or false. Assume that x, y, dx, and dy are defined as follows:

    float x = 32;
    float y = -4;
    float dx = 1.22;
    float dy = 1.57;
    1. x == x
    2. x == y
    3. dx < dy
    4. (dy > dx) || (dy < dy)
    5. (y == -4) || (x > 0)
    6. (y < -4) || (x <= 0)
    7. (x == y) || (dx == dy) || (x + y == dx + dy)
    8. (1 <= 2) || (x > x)
    9. (x < 0) || (x > 499) || (y < 0) || (y > 499)
    10. (x > mouseX) || (y > mouseY)
  8. Explain, in precise English, what the following code does (the println function prints a message on the console window, i.e. on the little window under the source code in the Processing editor):

    // ... assume x has been defined and given some value ...
    if (x == 1) {
    } else {
  9. Does the following code behave the same as the code in the previous question? Explain your answer.

    if (x == 1) {
    if (x != 1) {
  10. Write an if-statement that tests if x, a float variable that has been given some value (you don’t know what it is) is equal to -2, 7, or 15. Only execute the body of the if-statement if x is one of those three values. The if-statements body can just be a source-code comment.

  11. Re-do the previous question, except this time only execute the body of the if-statement if x is not one of -2, 7, or 15. Give two different answers:

    1. One answer that uses !=;
    2. A different answer that uses ! and either || or &&. Don’t uses != in this answer.