Final Exam

The final exam is a comprehensive (i.e. covers the entire course) 3-hour written exam. Please see Canvas for details about when and where the exam will be written.

Important: Part of the test requires that you use an HB pencil. Please bring one (and maybe also an eraser).

Important: Please bring your SFU student card to the exam. If you don’t have it with you, then you may be asked to go get it before writing the exam.

About the Exam

This is a comprehensive, closed-book exam. It covers the entire course from the beginning, up to, and including, For-loops. Topics after For-loops are not on the exam.

Questions may be related to the lectures, assignments, or on-line notes.

It is a written exam: everything you do will be by hand on paper.

It is a closed-book exam: no notes, books, computers, calculators, or other such aids are permitted.

Generally, if a topic was only discussed briefly in class then only simple questions will be asked about it. Topics covered more extensively may have more detailed questions.

While the questions could be of any format or style, some kinds of questions are more likely than others. You will certainly be asked to:

  • Read Processing code, e.g. to tell us what the code does, or to fix errors, etc.
  • Write Processing code, e.g. writing code fragments, or complete programs that solve a given problem.

Other common forms of questions on programming exams are:

  • short answer
  • true/false
  • multiple choice

Preparation Advice

  • Here is a sample exam (solutions). Please note that this is just a sample, and so does not cover all the topics or question styles that might be on the final exam you write. Plus, the length/difficulty of the exam you write might not be the same.
  • Here are some more sample questions (solutions), and some review questions (solutions).
  • Here are 30 sample short-answer questions (solutions).
  • Read the notes and do the questions at the end (unfortunately, we cannot provide solutions for the questions at the end of the notes).
  • Practice: write and modify lots of little programs.

Practice with Boolean Expressions
