Using ArrayLists

In these notes you will learn:

  • How to define ArrayLists.
  • How to add objects to an ArrayList.
  • How to use for-loops to process each element of an ArrayList.
  • How to store integers and floating point numbers in an ArrayList.


We saw in the previous notes how to use objects to make one ball bounce around the screen. As long as you only want a few balls on the screen, it worked great. But if you want lots of balls at the same time, say 100, then we’d have to declare 100 different named variables. Creating and using that many variables is extremely tedious, and so in these notes we will see how to store multiple objects in an ArrayList and then process them using a loop.

Defining ArrayList Variables

An ArrayList is a special kind of object that can store other objects. It’s known as a container object, or sometimes a collection object.

For instance, to store multiple BouncingBall objects at the same time, we can store them in an ArrayList. The first step is to create an ArrayList variable:

ArrayList<BouncingBall> ballList;  // ballList is null initially

By default, ballList is initialized to the special value null. A null value indicates that the variable does not yet point to any object.

ArrayList variables can be defined to hold any type of object. For example:

ArrayList<String> names;  // names is null initially


Processing also has arrays, which is another way to hold collections of values. Arrays are a lower-level feature as compared to ArrayLists, and so can sometimes be a little more efficient. But the main difficulty with arrays is that they are fixed in size, and so require that you know the maximum number of items they will contain ahead of time.

In contrast, you can add as many items as you need to an ArrayList at any time you need to add them. An ArrayList automatically expands it size as needed.

Creating ArrayList Objects

To actually create an ArrayList object, we use new:

ArrayList<BouncingBall> ballList;  // ballList variable is null initially

void setup() {
   // ...

   ballList = new ArrayList<BouncingBall>();

Here’s how you could initialize an ArrayList of Strings:

ArrayList<String> names;  // names is null initially

void setup() {
   // ...

   names = new ArrayList<String>();


Technically, the angle-brackets at the end of an ArrayList declaration are optional, e.g. you can write code like this:

ArrayList ballList;   // bad: no object type given!

ballList = new ArrayList();

The problem with this is that the ArrayList does not know anything about the type of objects that can be stored in it. You can add any type of object to such an ArrayList, e.g.:

ArrayList ballList;   // bad: no object type given!

ballList = new ArrayList();

ballList.add("this is not a ball");

Now ballList contains a BouncingBall ball object and a String object. While this is occasionally useful, in practice mixing different types of objects in the same ArrayList tends to cause subtle bugs.

So in this course, we will never use ArrayList without the angle-brackets declaring what type of object it can contain.

It is unfortunate that Processing (and Java) allow both forms. Processing even recommends this second form in some of its documentation. However, the version without the angle-brackets is a legacy feature that is rarely useful.

Adding Elements to an ArrayList

The add function is used to append new elements to the end of an ArrayList:

ArrayList<BouncingBall> ballList;  // create an initially null variable

ballList = new ArrayList<BouncingBall>();  // create an initially empty
                                           // ArrayList of BouncingBall
                                           // objects

ballList.add(randomBouncingBall());        // add some BouncingBall
ballList.add(randomBouncingBall());        // objects

Here’s how we could use names to store names as strings:

ArrayList<String> names;          // create an initially null variable

names = new ArrayList<String>();  // create an initially empty ArrayList
                                  // of strings and assign it to names

names.add("Julius Caesar");
names.add("William Shakespeare");
names.add("Tony Clifton");

ArrayLists can contain as many objects as you add to them (within the memory limits of your computer, of course). They start out empty and then expand in size as needed.

Processing an ArrayList with a For-each Loop

The simplest way to process an ArrayList is to use a for-each loop to run the same block of code on every object within it:

for(BouncingBall b : ballList) {  // for-each loop

Inside a loop like this, the : is read as “in”, and so the statement for(BouncingBall b : ballList) is read “for each bouncing ball b in ballList, do the following”.

The variable b declared inside the header of the for-each loop is automatically set to refer to each object of ballList, one object at a time. After b is set, the code in the body of the loop is called.

Here’s another example with names:

for(String s : names) {  // for-each loop

This prints every name in the names ArrayList on the screen, one name per line.

Multiple Bouncing Balls

We now know enough to write a program that displays some bouncing balls. Every time you click the mouse, a new one is added:

ArrayList<BouncingBall> ballList;  // initially null

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

  // create the initially empty ArrayList of BouncingBall objects
  ballList = new ArrayList<BouncingBall>();

void draw() {

  // render and update all the balls
  for (BouncingBall b : ballList) {

void mousePressed() {
  BouncingBall b = randomBouncingBall();
  b.x = mouseX;
  b.y = mouseY;

Using ArrayLists with Primitive Types

Due to a quirk of Java, an ArrayList can’t contain basic built-in types like int, float, or char. For example, both of these lines cause compiler errors:

ArrayList<int> ages;      // error: can't make an ArrayList of ints

ArrayList<float> temps;   // error: can't make an ArrayList of floats

The problem is that int and float are not object types like String and BouncingBall are, and an ArrayList can only contain object types.

Fortunately, there is a relatively simple work-around. Use Integer instead of int when declaring an ArrayList. e.g.:

ArrayList<Integer> ages;
ages = new ArrayList<Integer>();


for(Integer n : ages) {

Similarly, use Float instead of float when working with ArrayLists.

What’s going on here is that Integer is a wrapper class for int. An Integer object essentially contains a regular int, but because it is in an object it can be used in an ArrayList and similar containers.


Historically, basic types like int and float were not implemented as objects due to performance concerns, i.e. when Java was originally implemented the designers felt it would be too slow to make int and float full- blown objects.

Summary: Using ArrayLists

In general, to use an ArrayList, you need to do the following:

  1. Declare the ArrayList variable, e.g.:

    ArrayList<String> names;          // initially null
  2. Create the ArrayList object, e.g.:

    names = new ArrayList<String>();  // initially empty

    Notice that we used the same type, ArrayList<String>, in both the declaration of the variable and the create of the ArrayList object.

  3. Use add to append objects to the end of the ArrayList, e.g.:

  4. Use a for-each loop to run a block of code on each element of an ArrayList, e.g.:

    for(String n : names) {

    Notice that the type of the variable n is String, which is the same as the type of object of that the ArrayList names contains.

    For-each loops are simple and useful, but not very flexible. For instance, if you only want to process some of the elements in an ArrayList, the for-each loop can’t help you: it always loops through all the element.


  1. What happens if you run this code in Processing?

    ArrayList<String> names;
    names = new ArrayList<BouncingBall>();
  2. What does this code print?

    ArrayList<String> names;
    for(String s : names) {
  3. Suppose names is an ArrayList<String> object. Write a fragment of code that prints (using println) the length of each string in it.

  4. Suppose you have a class called Hopper for animating hopping frogs. To create a single frog you can do this:

    Hopper frog = new Hopper();

    Hopper objects also have a render() function for drawing, and an update function for updating their state.

    Answer each of the following questions:

    1. Define a new variable called pond that can refer to an ArrayList of Hopper objects. Just create the variable, not the ArrayList.
    2. Using the pond variable from the previous question, create a new ArrayList that can contain just Hopper objects. It should be initially empty.
    3. Write code to add three new Hopper objects to pond.
    4. Write a for-each loop that renders and updates all the Hopper objects in pond.
  5. Suppose nums is an ArrayList<Float> containing some numbers. Write a fragment of code that prints the sum of all the numbers in nums.

  6. Suppose nums is an ArrayList<Float> containing some numbers. Write a fragment of code that prints (using println) the number values in nums that are greater than 0.

    For example, if nums contained the values {6.4, -14. 0, 8, -2}, then your should print 6.4 and 8.

  7. Suppose names is an ArrayList<String> with at least 100 elements in it. Write a fragment of code that:

    1. Swaps the element at position 4 with the element at position 5.
    2. Swaps the element at position 10 with the element at position 2.

Sample Code

class Sprite {
  float x;
  float y;
  float dx;
  float dy;

  void update() {
    x += dx;
    y += dy;

class BouncingBall extends Sprite {
  float diam;
  color fillColor;

  void render() {


    ellipse(x, y, diam, diam);


  void update() {
    x += dx;
    y += dy;

    // hit top?
    if (y - diam / 2 < 0) {
      y = diam / 2;
      dy = -dy;

    // hit bottom?
    if (y + diam / 2 > height) {
      y = height - diam / 2;
      dy = -dy;

    // hit left?
    if (x - diam / 2 < 0) {
      x = diam / 2;
      dx = -dx;

    // hit right?
    if (x + diam / 2 > width) {
      x = width - diam / 2;
      dx = -dx;

BouncingBall randomBouncingBall() {
  BouncingBall ball = new BouncingBall();
  ball.x = random(100, 200);
  ball.y = random(100, 200);
  ball.dx = random(-3, 3);
  ball.dy = random(-3, 3);
  ball.diam = random(50, 150);
  ball.fillColor = color(random(255),
  return ball;

ArrayList<BouncingBall> ballList;  // initially null

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

  // create the initially empty ArrayList of BouncingBall objects
  ballList = new ArrayList<BouncingBall>();

void draw() {

  // render and update all the balls
  for (BouncingBall b : ballList) {

void mousePressed() {
  BouncingBall b = randomBouncingBall();
  b.x = mouseX;
  b.y = mouseY;