32. Final exam

The final exam is a cumulative (that is, covers the entire course) 3-hour written exam taking place on Friday April 19th and starting at 8:30am in rooms SUR2740 and SUR2750.

The room you will write your final exam depends upon your last name:

  • Last name starts with A to L: room 2740
  • Last name starts with M to Z: room 2750


You should double check the exam time and location on the SFU exam schedule website. The information here is not guaranteed to be accurate!

You can also check your room assignment on this document.


You must bring your SFU student card to the exam. If you don’t have it with you, then you will be asked to go get it before writing the exam.

32.1. About the Exam

This is a cumulative, examination. That means it covers the entire course from the beginning, and may ask questions relating to the lecture, assignments, and on-line notes.

The exam is closed-book. No supporting materials whatsoever are permitted. No notes, books, computers, calculators, dictionaries (electronic or otherwise), or any other aids not listed here are permitted. A pen or pencil and your student ID are all you will need in order to write this exam.

While the questions could be of any format or style, some kinds of questions are more likely than others. You will certainly be asked to:

  • Read Processing code, e.g. to tell us what the code does, or to fix errors, etc.
  • Write Processing code, e.g. writing code fragments or complete programs that solve a given problem.

Other common forms of questions on programming exams are:

  • short answer
  • true/false
  • multiple choice

32.2. Extra Office Hours

The Instructor (Oren Shklarsky) will have extra office hours:

  • Tuesday April 16th From 10:30am to 1:30pm and from 2:30pm to 3:30pm
  • Thursday April 18th From 9:30am to 12:30pm

If there is demand for office hours, Sushant will add some lab time as well.

32.3. Preparation Advice

  • Here is a sample exam (solutions). Please note that this is just a sample, and so does not cover all the topics or question styles that might be on the final exam you write. Plus, the length/difficulty of the exam you write might not be the same.
  • Here are some more sample questions (solutions).
  • It is guaranteed that at least 10 true/false questions chosen from the Boolean expression practice program at the bottom of this page will be on the exam.
  • Read the notes on the website and do all of the questions at the end (unfortunately we cannot provide solutions for these questions).
  • Practice: write an modify lots of programs. Go over the assignments, and fix any issues you may have had with your code.
  • CodingBat. You will be expected to be able to solve problems similar to those in String-1 - String-2, and Logic-1 - Logic-2, and well as the warm-up exercises.

32.4. Practice with Boolean Expressions

Use this question generator to sharpen your boolean expression skills.


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