34. (Extra) Case Study: Playing with a Snake

In these notes you will learn:

  • How to draw a multi-segment “snake” using an ArrayList of objects.
  • How to delete an element in an ArrayList.
  • How to generalize a class designed for a specific task.
  • Make an object move randomly on its own.

34.1. Introduction

In these notes, we’re going to look at a version of a program borrowed from the excellent book Learning Processing: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction. It draws a “snake” that follows the mouse pointer:

// The snake consist of a series of segments, i.e. circles.
class Segment {
  float x, y;

  Segment(float init_x, float init_y) {
    x = init_x;
    y = init_y;
} // class Segment

final int NUM_SEGMENTS = 50;
ArrayList<Segment> snake;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

  // initialize all the segments
  snake = new ArrayList<Segment>();
  int i = 0;
  while (i < NUM_SEGMENTS) {
    Segment s = new Segment(0, 0);


void draw() {

  // remove the first segment, and shift all the other segments
  // down one index position

  // add a new segment centered at the mouse
  Segment s = new Segment(mouseX, mouseY);

  // draw everything
  int i = 0;
  while (i < snake.size()) {
    fill(255 - i * 5);
    Segment t = snake.get(i);
    ellipse(t.x, t.y, i, i);


This program draws a single snake that follows the mouse pointer. Now lets create a Snake class so we can make more than one snake object:

class Segment {
  float x, y;

  Segment(float init_x, float init_y) {
    x = init_x;
    y = init_y;
} // class Segment

class Snake {
  ArrayList<Segment> segment;

  Snake(int numSegments) {
    // initialize the snake's segments
    segment = new ArrayList<Segment>();
    int i = 0;
    while (i < numSegments) {
      Segment s = new Segment(0, 0);

  void update() {
    // remove the first segment, and shift all the other segments
    // down one index position

    Segment s = new Segment(mouseX, mouseY);

  void render() {
    // draw everything
    int i = 0;
    while (i < segment.size()) {
      fill(255 - i * 5);
      Segment t = segment.get(i);
      ellipse(t.x, t.y, i, i);
} // class Snake

Snake snake;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);
  snake = new Snake(50);

void draw() {

Notice how simple the code in setup and draw is. This is common in well-designed object-oriented programs: all the implementation details are in the Snake object.

34.2. Two Snakes

Now that we have the Snake class, we can draw multiple snakes on the screen at the same time. Unfortunately, there is a problem: the update function sets the snake’s head to be the location of the mouse pointer. Every Snake will thus be drawn in the same place, which is not what we want.

So what we’ll we do is make a small modification to the update() function that lets us pass in the position we want the next segment drawn at:

class Snake {
  // ...

  void update(float x, float y) {
    // remove the first segment, and shift all the other segments
    // down one index position

    Segment s = new Segment(x, y);

  // ...

} // class Snake

Now when we call update, we need to pass in the position we want the snake’s next segment to be drawn at:

Snake snake1, snake2;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);
  snake1 = new Snake(50);
  snake2 = new Snake(50);

void draw() {
  snake1.update(mouseX, mouseY);

  snake2.update(500 - mouseX, 500 - mouseY);

34.3. Allowing More Segments

A subtle limitation of our code so far is that it only works for snakes with about 50 segments in them. If you make a snake’s underlying segment ArrayList much longer than 50, the visuals break down pretty severely.

The problem is in the Snake render function:

class Snake {
  // ...

  void render() {
    // draw everything
    int i = 0;
    while (i < segment.size()) {
      fill(255 - i * 5);
      ellipse(segment.get(i).x, segment.get(i).y, i, i);

} // class Snake

Do you see the problems? There are two:

  1. fill(255 - i * 5) does not work correctly if i is too big. The issue is that the value you give to fill must be between 0 and 255. In other words, this must be true for fill to work correctly:

    \begin{equation*} 0 \leq 255 - 5i \leq 255 \end{equation*}

    This says that the smallest value \(255 - 5i\) can have is 0, while the biggest value it can have is 255.

    From the while-loop, we can see that i is between 0 and 49 (segment.size()). So if i is 0, then \(255 - 5i = 255\) , which is a permissible input to fill. Similarly, if i is 49 (the highest possible value — one less than segment.size()), then \(255 - 5i = 255 - 5 \cdot 49 = 10\) which is, again, a legal value for fill.

    But suppose our snake as 100 segments. Then i ranges from 0 to 99, and when it’s equal to 99 we have \(255 - 5i = 255 - 5 \cdot 99 = -240\) , which is not a legal fill value.

    One way to fix this is to use the map function. Recall that map converts a value from one particular input range into a proportionally equivalent value in an output range. The value we are interested in here is 255 - i * 5:

    float x = 255 - i * 5;

    To use map, we need to determine the range of x, i.e. we need to know its smallest and largest values. Lets determine the biggest value of x first. Note that if i is small, then x is big, and since the smallest value of i is 0 (thanks to the while-loop that controls it), the biggest possible value of x is \(255 - 5\cdot 0 = 255\) .

    To determine the smallest value of x, we note that when i is big, x is small, and so the largest possible value of i is segment.size() - 1. Thus the largest possible value of the expression 255 - i * 5 is 255 - (segment.size() - 1) * 5 (i has just been replaced with its largest possible value).

    And so we now know the range of value of x:

    255 - (segment.size() - 1) * 5 <= x <= 255   // input range

    It’s ugly, but accurate!

    The output range is 0 to 255 because we want to output of the call to map to be fed into fill.

    Now we can finally rewrite our code so that the snake is colored correctly no matter how many segments it has:

    float x = 255 - i * 5;
    float mx = map(x,
                   255 - (segment.size() - 1) * 5, 255,  // input range
                   0, 255                                // output range

    Notice how we used indentation and comments to make the code easier to read.

  2. The diameter of the ellipse is i, which doesn’t work when i is too big. One way to solve this problem is, as for the fill color, to use map:

    float diam = map(i,
                     0, segment.size() - 1,  // input range (i's range)
                     0, 50);                 // output range (diam's range)
    ellipse(segment.get(i).x, segment.get(i).y, diam, diam);

34.4. A Snake that Moves on its Own

Lets try to make a snake that moves on its own. The simplest way to make something move is as we have been doing throughout the course: increment the x and y values of the position of the thing we want to move. Since our snakes move by putting down new segments, to make a snake appear to move on its own we must automatically decide where to put each new head segment.

The approach we’ll follow here is to make each new head segment be placed a little past the previous head segment. We’ll need to keep track of the previous head segment to do this:

Snake snake;
Segment prevHead;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);
  snake = new Snake(150);
  prevHead = new Segment(0, 0);

void draw() {
  snake.update(prevHead.x + random(2.0), prevHead.y + random(2.0));
  prevHead = snake.segment.get(snake.segment.size() - 1);

This makes the snake wiggle diagonally down the screen. It is a nice effect, although it perhaps looks more like a comet then a snake.

The calculation to get prevHead is a bit ugly, but that’s partly an artifact of how ArrayLists work: ArrayLists don’t provide any simple way to access their last element.

34.5. Questions

  1. Instead of drawing the segments as ellipses, draw them as lines between the points (be careful with the loop index!). This way no matter how fast your move the mouse pointer the snake will always be connected.

34.6. Complete Source Code

class Segment {
  float x, y;

  Segment(float init_x, float init_y) {
    x = init_x;
    y = init_y;
} // class Segment

class Snake {
  ArrayList<Segment> segment;

  Snake(int numSegments) {
    // initialize the snake's segments
    segment = new ArrayList<Segment>();
    int i = 0;
    while (i < numSegments) {
      Segment s = new Segment(0, 0);

  void update() {
    // remove the first segment, and shift all the other segments
    // down one index position

    Segment s = new Segment(mouseX, mouseY);

  void render() {
    // draw everything
    int i = 0;
    while (i < segment.size ()) {
      float x = 255 - i * 5;
      float mx = map(x,
                     255 - (segment.size() - 1) * 5, 255, // input range
                     0, 255                               // output range

      float diam = map(i,
                       0, segment.size() - 1, // input range (i's range)
                       0, 50);                // output range (diam's range)
      ellipse(segment.get(i).x, segment.get(i).y, diam, diam);


  void update(float x, float y) {
    // remove the first segment, and shift all the other segments
    // down one index position

    Segment s = new Segment(x, y);
} // class Snake


Snake snake;
Segment prevHead;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);
  snake = new Snake(150);
  prevHead = new Segment(0, 0);

void draw() {
  snake.update(prevHead.x + random(2.0), prevHead.y + random(2.0));
  prevHead = snake.segment.get(snake.segment.size() - 1);