#EXAMPLE 0 - Trace the Exection. for i in range(5): print i #EXAMPLE 1 - Trace the Exection. for i in range(1, 3): for j in range(1, 3): print i * j #EXAMPLE 2 - Where is the error? Fix and Trace. n = 3 for i in range (10): if i == 3: print 'I found '+ i + '!' #EXAMPLE 3 - Where is the error? Fix and Trace. for i in range (10): if i % 2: print str(i) + ' is even' #EXAMPLE 4 - Where is the error? Fix and Trace. n = i = 2 i *= 2 i += 2 i =/ 3 if i == n: print 'I found you!' elif i > n: print 'You are on my right!' else: print 'You are on my left!'