All of your pages for this course must be uploaded to the course web server.

If you upload a file named page.html into your public_html directory, it will be visible on the web with a URL like this:

Of course, you should replace username with your own userid. You can create directories inside your public_html directory if you want to organize your files.

There are instructions here for uploading files with:

Uploading with CyberDuck (video)

Video tutorial on uploading files with CyberDuck. CyberDuck is available for Windows and OSX: the video uses Windows, but it will look almost the same under OSX.

Uploading with WinSCP

You will first need to download and install WinSCP on your computer.

The first time you start WinSCP, you will have to enter this information to connect to the cmpt165 server:

Host name
User name
Your SFU userid.
Your SFU password.
Other settings
The default settings are correct (port 22, no private key, SFTP with SCP fallback).

Enter the information as follows:

Logging into cmpt165 with WinSCP

Logging into cmpt165 with WinSCP

With your first connection, you should “add the host key to the cache”. Then save your session so you don't have to enter the above info every time: select the “Session” menu → “Save Session…” and click “Okay”.

Accepting the key fingerprint

Accepting the key fingerprint: say “Yes”.

Saving the session

Saving the SCP session

After this, you can simply start the program and select that session whenever you want to transfer files.

To copy files to the web server, find them on your computer (in the left pane of the WinSCP window), and drag them to your public_html directory on the server (right pane):

Ready to copy a file

WinSCP ready to copy a web page

File copied

HTML file copied (right pane)

Uploading with SSH Secure File Transfer Client

The SSH Secure File Transfer Client is installed in the CSIL labs, so it will be used by on-campus sections.

When you start the Secure File Transfer Client, start a session by clicking the “Quick Connect” button:

Connection Buttons

Connection Buttons in Secure File Transfer Client

After clicking “Quick Connect”, you enter the host name and your SFU user name (leaving the other settings at their defaults):
Entering the host and user names

Entering the host name and user name

The first time you connect, after you enter your password, you will be asked to accept the host identification: say “yes” and create a profile so you can just select it later:

Accepting the key fingerprint

Accepting the host identification: say “Yes”

Creating a profile

Create a profile for this connection

To copy files to the web server, find them on your computer (in the left pane of the window), and drag them to your public_html directory on the server (right pane):

Ready to copy a file

Ready to copy a web page

File copied

HTML file copied (right pane)

Uploading with Fugu

You will first need to download and install Fugu on your computer.

The first time you start Fugu, you will have to enter this information to connect to the cmpt165 server:

Connect to
Your SFU userid.
Other settings
The default settings are correct (port 22, no private key, SFTP with SCP fallback).

Enter the information as follows:

Logging into cmpt165 with Fugu

Logging into cmpt165 with Fugu

With your first connection, you will need to confirm the authenticity of the host. After that, enter your SFU password.

Accepting the key fingerprint

Accepting the key fingerprint: select “Continue”.

Entering password in Fugu

Entering your password.

[If you have problems connecting, try entering as the host name instead of that seems to have worked for a few people.]

To copy files to the web server, find them on your computer (in the left pane of the Fugu window), and drag them to your public_html directory on the server (right pane):

Copying a file

Copying a web page in Fugu

You can use the “New Folder” icon at the top of the Fugu window to create directories to organize your files.

Other SCP Programs

You can use any other SCP/SFTP program as well. As long as you use the host name with your SFU user name and password, you should be able to connect to the server to transfer your files.

Instructions may be added here for other program if there is demand.

Organizing your files

All of your web pages must be inside your public_html directory.

You should create directories within public_html to organize your files. If you create a directory lab1 inside your public_html, and upload a file named exer1.html, it will be available at this URL

Note that when you're making web pages with graphics or style sheets, you have to upload all of the files: the XHTML, the style sheet, and all of the images.

Disk Quota

Before you start transferring files to the web server, you should keep in mind that there is a limit on the total size of the files you have on the course web server. It is currently set at 50 MB. You can check your quota [online, soon—in development].