This page is here to demonstrate the "Fixed" style sheet.
The Styles
There are several styles that can be used on the pages of this web site. If you're using a reasonable browser, you can choose them from the selection of "alternate stylesheets." In Mozilla, select "Use Style" from the "View" menu.
These pages are here for the benefit of those using browsers that don't do CSS as well, Internet Explorer in particular. They might also help people actually notice the alternate styles—most sites don't use them, so people don't look for them.
In addition to the style sheet in question, all of the styles use some common CSS rules as well.
This Style
The navigation links are moved to the left side of the page and have position fixed
so it doesn't move as the pages scrolls. It looks cool, but unfortunately doesn't work in current versions of Internet Explorer.
If this pages isn't long enough to need a vertical scrollbar, shrink your browser window to see what the whole effect is about.
This style also has rules that are used only for printing that make the navigation links disappear. If you do a print preview, you should only see the main body of the page, not the navigation links.