String Building Example

Here's the code that draws that image:

for (count = 1; count <= 6; count += 1) {
  r = paper.rect(30, 30, 90, 90)
  animation_attrs = {
    'transform': 'r' + (count*15)

Here's the code that draws (and animates) that image:

paper = Raphael('container2', 140, 140)
rect_attrs = {
  'fill': '#292',
  'stroke-width': '1.5'
for (count = 0; count <= 11; count += 1) {
  r = paper.rect(50, 50, 40, 40)
  angle = count*3
  scale = 3 - count*0.25
  anim_attrs = {
    'transform': 'r' + angle + 's' + scale
  r.animate(anim_attrs, 2000)

Transform strings generated in the loop: