Bootstrap Demo

This is a Bootstrap “jumbotron”!

Basic Grid Example

This would be the main content of the page, beside the navigation menu. This would be the main content of the page, beside the navigation menu. This would be the main content of the page, beside the navigation menu. This would be the main content of the page, beside the navigation menu. This would be the main content of the page, beside the navigation menu. This would be the main content of the page, beside the navigation menu.

In this example, the menu is a <nav class="col-xs-3"> and this block is a <main class="col-xs-9">

Responsive Grid Example

This is an example of responsive columns. Try it with your browser at different sizes. Each “column” has class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4".

First Column

This is the first column in the example. The way its arranged on the page will depend on the window size.

Second Column

This is the second column in the example. The way its arranged on the page will depend on the window size.

Column #3

This is the third column in the example.

a happy face

Other Style Examples

There are nicer styles for things like <blockquote>:

When I invented the web, I didn't have to ask anyone's permission.

Tim Berners-Lee, Net Neutrality: This is Serious

Here is a definition list, <dl>:

The direction away from the centre of the Earth.
The opposite of “up”.