jQuery Quick Reference

This is not intended to be a definitive list of jQuery features, just a quick reminder of the specific things we have used in the course.

For more details, see the jQuery Reference.

Top-Level Function

Each of these returns a jQuery object representing some elements on the page.

jQuery('p') A jQuery object representing all <p>.
$('p') Exactly the same as jQuery('p').
$('#thing') A jQuery object representing the element with id="thing".
$(document) A jQuery object representing the whole HTML page.

jQuery Object Functions

Filtering jQuery Objects

These take a jQuery object and refine the selection, giving back a new jQuery object.

$(…).first() A jQuery object representing the first of the selected element(s).
$(…).last() A jQuery object representing the last of the selected element(s).

Event Handling

Each of these attaches a function to an event on everything in a jQuery object.

$(…).click(handler) When the selected element(s) are clicked, call handler().
$(…).ready(handler) When the selected element(s) are fully loaded, call handler(). Usually applied to $(document).
$(…).mouseenter(handler) When one of the selected element(s) has the mouse cursor move over it, call handler().
$(…).mouseleave(handler) When one of the selected element(s) has the mouse cursor move away from it, call handler().
$(…).on('click', handler) Exactly the same as $(…).click(handler).
$(…).on('touchstart', handler) Attach a handler() callback to the “touchstart” event.

Modifying the Page

Each of these modifies the element(s) in the jQuery object.

$(…).append('<p>Hi</p>') Add a paragraph to the end of the selected element(s).
$(…).animate({'width': '8em'}, 2000) Animate CSS properties of the selected element(s) from current value to the ones given, over 2 seconds.
$(…).attr('class', 'nice') Set the class="nice" on the selected element(s).
$(…).css({'color': '#f00'}) Change CSS properties of the selected element(s).
$(…).html('Hello') Set the content of the selected element(s) to Hello.
$(…).remove() Remove the selected element(s) from the page.


These don't fall into the categories above.

$(…).val() Get the value the user has entered/selected on the form control.