imp_count = 0; f_desc = new Array("

Effective June 1, phone calls to the Segal Graduate School of Business will require a new area code (778) and prefix (782). 


For example:  former phone numbers such as 604-291-5013 will change to 778-782-5013. 


As well, campus calls within the Segal building or to Segal from other SFU campuses will now require 5-digit dialing.  Simply add a '2' to the existing 4-digit local.  For example, 5013 becomes 25013. 


For assistance dialing any number, call 604-291-3111 or dial '0' from an SFU telephone.

"); f_href = new Array("/important_news/Phonenumberchange.html"); open_new_imp = new Array(0,0);