function deleteOldCookies() { old_cookie_count = getCookie('bm_count'); if (old_cookie_count != null) { for (i = 0; i < old_cookie_count; ++i) { setCookie('bm_n_' + i, '', -1); setCookie('bm_i_' + i, '', -1); setCookie('bm_name_' + i, '', -1); setCookie('bm_index_' + i, '', -1); } setCookie('bm_count', -1, -1); } } function getCookie(cookie_name) { if (document.cookie.length > 0) { cookie_start = document.cookie.indexOf(cookie_name + "="); if (cookie_start != -1) { cookie_start = cookie_start + cookie_name.length + 1; cookie_end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", cookie_start); if (cookie_end == -1) { cookie_end = document.cookie.length; } return unescape(document.cookie.substring(cookie_start, cookie_end)); } } return null } function setCookie(cookie_name,value,expiredays) { var exdate = new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + expiredays); // document.cookie = cookie_name + "=" + escape(value) +";expires=-1; path=/"; // these 2 are to make sure the only cookies are the ones for the master domain // document.cookie = cookie_name + "=" + escape(value) +";expires=-1"; document.cookie = cookie_name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expiredays==null) ? "" : ";expires=" + exdate)+"; path=/;"; } function getCustomBookmarks() { bookmarknames = new Array(); bookmarkitems = new Array(); bm_size = getCookie('bm_size'); if (bm_size == null) { setCustomBookmarks(); bm_size = 0; } for(i = 0; i < bm_size; ++i) { bookmarknames[i] = getCookie('bmn_' + (i + 1)); bookmarkitems[i] = getCookie('bmi_' + (i + 1)); } return new Array(bm_size, bookmarknames, bookmarkitems); } function updateHardBookmarks(myform) { expiredays = 365 * 10; defbms = defaultBookmarkList(); bitstring = ''; for(i = 0; i < defbms.length/2; ++i) { if (defbms[(i * 2) + 1] != '#') { eval('myvalue = myform.defbm_' + i + '.checked;'); if (myvalue == 1) { bitstring = bitstring + '1'; } else { bitstring = bitstring + '0'; } } else { bitstring = bitstring + '0'; } } setCookie('bm_list', bitstring, expiredays); } function getBookmarks() { deleteOldCookies(); results = getCustomBookmarks(); bm_list = getCookie('bm_list'); if (bm_list == null) { setDefaultBookmarks(); bm_list = getCookie('bm_list'); } last_header = ''; defaultbookmarks = defaultBookmarkList(); for (j = 0; j < defaultbookmarks.length; j += 2) { if (defaultbookmarks[j + 1] == '#') { last_header = defaultbookmarks[j]; } else if (bm_list.substring(j/2,(j/2)+1) == '1') { if (last_header != '') { results[1][results[0]] = last_header; results[2][results[0]] = '#'; results[0]++; last_header = ''; } results[1][results[0]] = defaultbookmarks[j]; results[2][results[0]] = defaultbookmarks[j+1]; results[0]++; } } return results; } function defaultBookmarkList() { defaultbookmarks = new Array( '--Faculties--', '#', 'Faculty of Applied Sciences', '', 'Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences', '', 'Faculty of Business Administration', '', 'Faculty of Education', '', 'Faculty of Health Sciences', '', 'Faculty of Science', '', '--Schools--', '#', 'Communication', '', 'Computing Science', '', 'Contemporary Arts', '', 'Criminology', '', 'Engineering Science', '', 'International Studies', '', 'Interactive Arts & Technology', '', 'Resource and Environmental Management', '', 'Segal Graduate School of Business', '', '--Miscellaneous--', '#', 'Bookstore', '', 'Microcomputer Store', '', 'Academic Computing Services', '', 'Human Resources', '', 'Corporate Time login', '', '--Events--', '#', 'Academic Calendar', '', 'Academic Calendar of Events', '', 'Convocation', '', 'Campus Events', '', 'Athletics Events', '', '--Getting to SFU--', '#', 'Maps & Directions', '', 'U-Pass', '', 'Parking', '', 'Security', '', '--Directories--', '#', 'Phone Book', '', 'Email Directory', '', '--WebCT--', '#', 'WebCT Login', '', 'WebCT Help for Instructions', '', 'WebCT course request form', '', '--Road Conditions and Parking--', '#', 'Burnaby Road Conditions', '', 'Parking Permits', '' ); return defaultbookmarks; } function setCustomBookmarks() { expiredays = 365 * 10; setCookie('bm_size', 0, expiredays); } function setDefaultBookmarks() { expiredays = 365 * 10; defbms = defaultBookmarkList(); var liststring = ''; for (i = defbms.length / 2; i > 0; --i) { liststring = liststring + '1'; } setCookie('bm_list', liststring, expiredays); } function addBookmark(bm_name, bm_url) { expiredays = 365 * 10; bm_size = getCookie('bm_size'); bm_size++; if ((bm_url.substring(0, 7) != 'http://') && (bm_url.substring(0, 8) != 'https://')) { bm_url = 'http://' + bm_url; } setCookie('bmn_' + bm_size, bm_name, expiredays); setCookie('bmi_' + bm_size, bm_url, expiredays); setCookie('bm_size', bm_size, expiredays); refreshBookmarks(); } function refreshBookmarks() { location.href = document.URL; } function launchBookmark() { bm_form = MM_findObj( 'bookmarks' ); selectbox = bm_form.bm_urls; bookmark = selectbox.options[selectbox.selectedIndex].value; location.href = bookmark; } function removeBookmarks() { expiredays = 365 * 10; bm_form = document.forms['bm_management']; bm_size_final = bm_size = getCookie('bm_size'); cur_pointer = 1; next_pointer = 1; while (next_pointer <= bm_size) { removing = false; // eval('removing = bm_form.bm_delete_' + next_pointer + '.checked'); removing = bm_form['bm_delete_' + next_pointer ].checked; if (removing) { next_pointer++; bm_size_final--; continue; } setCookie('bmn_' + cur_pointer, getCookie('bmn_' + next_pointer), expiredays); setCookie('bmi_' + cur_pointer, getCookie('bmi_' + next_pointer), expiredays); cur_pointer++; next_pointer++; } setCookie('bm_size', bm_size_final); //clear out old cookies while (cur_pointer < next_pointer) { setCookie('bmn_' + cur_pointer, '', -1); setCookie('bmi_' + cur_pointer, '', -1); cur_pointer++; } refreshBookmarks(); } function launchBookmark() { bm_form = MM_findObj( 'bookmarks' ); selectbox = bm_form.bm_urls; bookmark = selectbox.options[selectbox.selectedIndex].value; if (bookmark) { location.href = bookmark; } }