Strings and Vectors

in C++, we tend to use the standard string class in place of C-style strings

and we tend to use the standard vector class in place of C-style arrays

string and vector are easier to use and less error-prone than C-style strings and arrays


the string type is used for sequences of 0 or more characters

#include "error.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    cout << "What is your name? ";
    string name;
    cin >> name;
    cout << "Hello, " << name << "!\n";


the string type is used for sequences of 0 or more characters

string pets = "cat\ndog\nbird\n";
cout << pets;  // cat
               // dog
               // bird
cout << pets.size() << endl;  // 13

\n is a single character (newline)

The Empty String

the empty string has no characters and size 0

string empty;  // s is empty by default
cout << '"' << empty << '"' << endl // ""
     << empty.size()  // 0
     << endl;


+ joins strings to make a new string

string hey = "Hey! ";
string krusty = hey + hey + hey + '\n';
cout << krusty;
// Hey! Hey! Hey!

Equality and inequality

== and != test string equality/inequality

cout << "Enter new password: ";
string pwd;
cin >> pwd;

cout << "Re-enter password: ";
string check;
cin >> check;

if (pwd == "" || pwd != check) {
    cout << "passwords don't match\n";
} else {
    cout << "Good!\n";

String Comparisons

<, <=, >, >= compare strings by lexicographic (alphabetical) order

cout << "Enter two strings: ";

string a;
string b;
cin >> a >> b;

if (a < b) {
    cout << a << ' ' << b << endl;
} else {
    cout << b << ' ' << a << endl;

Getting an Entire Line

use getline to get an entire line (cin >> just gets the first word)

cout << "What is your full name? ";
string name;
getline(cin, name);

cout << name << endl;

Accessing string characters

s[i] is the character at index location i of string s

string s = "left";
cout << s[0] << endl
     << s[1] << endl
     << s[2] << endl
     << s[3] << endl;
// l
// e
// f
// t

first index position is (always) 0

Processing a string with a ranged for-loop

string s = "left";
for(char c : s) {      // : read as "in"
    cout << c << '\n';
// l
// e
// f
// t

“for each char c in string s do the following …”

C Strings and C++ Strings are Different

a C-style string is an array of characters ending with \0

a C++ string is an object that manages all the low-level details

string literals like "apple" are C-style strings

C Strings and C++ Strings are Different

generally, avoid C-style strings in C++ whenver you can

they are harder to use and much more error prone than string objects


a vector is a sequence of 0, or more, objects

vector<int> nums = {5, 2, 1};

cout << nums[0] << endl   // 5
     << nums[1] << endl   // 2
     << nums[2] << endl;  // 1

for(int n : nums) {  // : is read "in"
    cout << n << endl;
// 5
// 2
// 1


a vector is a sequence of 0, or more, objects

vector<string> names = {"Pat", "Bob", "Carol"};
cout << names[0] << endl  // Pat
     << names[1] << endl  // Bob
     << names[2] << endl; // Carol

for(string s : names) {  // : is read "in"
    cout << s << endl;
// Pat
// Bob
// Carol


a vector is a sequence of 0, or more, objects

vector<vector<double>> matrix = { { 7.1, 4.2, 5.44},
                                  {-6.8, 2.4, 5.44},
                                  { 0.7, 0.6, 0.2 }

for(vector<double> row : matrix) {  // : is read "in"
    for(double x : row) {
        cout << x << ' ';
    cout << endl;
// 7.1 4.2 5.44
// -6.8 2.4 5.44
// 0.7 0.6 0.2

Adding Items to a Vector

v.push_back(x) appends x to the right side of vector v (v grows if necessary)

vector<string> names;     // {}

names.push_back("Pat");   // {"Pat"}
names.push_back("Bob");   // {"Pat", "Bob"}
names.push_back("Carol"); // {"Pat", "Bob", "Carol"}

for(string n : names) {
    cout << n << endl;

Vector Operations

vectors have many useful built-in operations

vector<int> v;
cout << v.size() << ' ' << v.empty() << endl; // 0 1

v = {4, 3, 6, 7};

vector<int> w = v;

if (v == w) {
    cout << "v and w are the same\n";

Be Careful

vectors are not range-checked when using []-notation

vector<int> v = {0, 1, 2};

cout << v[3]   // v does not have index location 3
     << endl;

v[3] compiles and runs (sometimes!) but does not return a meaningful value