Introduction to the STL and Generic Programming

STL is short for standard template library. The STL is C++’s standard collection of general-purpose of classes and functions that implement many basic algorithms and data structures.

Two of the main goals of the STL are efficiency and generality. All the STL algorithms are implemented as efficiently as possible, and they are well-tested and generally bug-free. They are also implemented in a very general way, so that they typically work with any data structure (i.e. arrays, vectors, strings, lists) that it makes sense for them to work on. Making a library of algorithms that is both efficient and general-purpose is an impressive achievement: most other languages settle for one or the other.

In this note, we will look at a couple of basic STL algorithms: find, sort, and reverse. We will also introduce type parameters and generic programming, two key features the STL uses extensively.

Linear Search: find

find is the STL’s version of linear search. The basic version of find has this header:

template<class InputIt, class T>
constexpr InputIt find(InputIt first, InputIt last, const T& value)

Lets look at each part of this header:

  • template<class InputIt, class T> indicates that InputIt and T are type variables. T is a variable representing the type of the value we are looking for, and T can be any type that works with operator==.

    InputIt is a type variable representing an input iterator. An iterator is an object that “points” to another. Iterators are essentially a generalization of pointers. They use the same syntax as pointers, so in practice using an iterator feels very much like using a regular pointer.

  • constexpr InputIt is the type of the value that find returns. constexpr means that find can be called at compile-time inside of const expressions. We’re not covering const expressions in this course, but they let you do computations at compile-time, which can greatly speed up some programs.

    find returns an InputIt, i.e. find returns an iterator. An iterator points to a another value, and so the returned iterator points to the value. If the value was not found, then the returned pointer is equal to last (i.e. 1 past the last value in the range being searched).

  • find(InputIt first, InputIt last, const T& value) means that find takes two iterators, first and last, and a value to search for called value. first points to the first element of the range being searched, and last points to one past the end element of the same range. This asymmetry between first and last is important: if find returns last, then that means value was not found.

The documentation for C++ gives a suggested implementation of find:

template<class InputIt, class T>
constexpr InputIt find(InputIt first, InputIt last, const T& value)
    for (; first != last; ++first) {
        if (*first == value) {
            return first;
    return last;

This is a standard pointer-oriented implementation of linear search. Notice that *first is used when comparing against value. first is an iterator, and so *first is the value that first points to. This is, intentionally, the same way that regular pointers work, and so it’s useful to think of iterators as pointers.

find is very general, and works efficiently with pretty much every type of container where it makes sense to use linear search.

Here are some examples of using find:

void test1() {
        vector<string> food = {"kale", "lettuce", "onion", "carrot", "potato", "tomato"};
        if (find(begin(food), end(food), "carrot") == end(food)) {
                cout << "carrot NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "carrot found\n";

        if (find(begin(food), end(food), "squash") == end(food)) {
                cout << "squash NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "squash found\n";

        double costs[] = {2.00, 3.25, 0.99, 7.40, 2.99};
        if (find(begin(costs), end(costs), 2.99) == end(costs)) {
                cout << "2.99 NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "2.99 found\n";

        if (find(begin(costs), end(costs), 3.99) == end(costs)) {
                cout << "3.99 NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "3.99 found\n";

        string quote = "No matter where you go, there you are.";
        if (find(begin(quote), end(quote), 'e') == end(quote)) {
                cout << "'e' NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "'e' found\n";

        if (find(begin(quote), end(quote), 'q') == end(quote)) {
                cout << "'q' NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "'q' found\n";

Generalizing test1

test1() has a lot of repeated code which makes it hard to read. So here we create a helper function called test_find that simplifies things quite a bit. test_find is a generic function, or templated function because it uses two type variables, InputIt and T.

The type variables let test_find work with any data that we can pass to find. This kind of generality is one of the major advantages of the STL, and well-used it can result in code that is both efficient and highly re-usable.

template<class InputIt, class T>
void test_find(InputIt first, InputIt last, const T& value) {
        if (find(first, last, value) == last) {
                cout << value << " NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << value << " found\n";

void test2() {
        vector<string> food = {"kale", "lettuce", "onion", "carrot", "potato", "tomato"};
        test_find(begin(food), end(food), "carrot");
        test_find(begin(food), end(food), "squash");

        double costs[] = {2.00, 3.25, 0.99, 7.40, 2.99};
        test_find(begin(costs), end(costs), 2.99);
        test_find(begin(costs), end(costs), 3.99);

        string quote = "No matter where you go, there you are.";
        test_find(begin(quote), end(quote), 'e');
        test_find(begin(quote), end(quote), 'q');

Notice how much simpler and easier to read test2() is thanks to test_find. Plus the body of test_find itself is short and easy to understand.

Sorting and Reversing

Sorting is one of the most common and useful algorithms in all of programming, and the STL provides an efficient sorting function called std::sort.

std::sort is typically implemented using a fast general-purpose sort, such as variations of mergesort or quicksort. The C++ documentation doesn’t specify exactly how std:sort is implemented, it just says it must do no more than O(n log n) comparisons.

The reverse function reverses the elements in a given range. Calling sort followed by reverse is a common way of putting a range into reverse sorted order.

Here is some sample code:

void test3() {
        vector<string> food = {"kale", "lettuce", "onion", "carrot", "potato", "tomato"};
        sort(begin(food), end(food));
        for(string s : food) cout << s << " ";
        cout << "\n";
        reverse(begin(food), end(food));
        for(string s : food) cout << s << " ";
        cout << "\n";

        double costs[] = {2.00, 3.25, 0.99, 7.40, 2.99};
        sort(begin(costs), end(costs));
        for(double c : costs) cout << c << " ";
        cout << "\n";
        reverse(begin(costs), end(costs));
        for(double c : costs) cout << c << " ";
        cout << "\n";

        string quote = "No matter where you go, there you are.";
        sort(begin(quote), end(quote));
        cout << quote << "\n";
        reverse(begin(quote), end(quote));
        cout << quote << "\n";

Generalizing test3

As we did with test_find, lets write a generic test_sort function to simplify test3.

Since test_sort is only passed iterators to the first and last items in the range, we can’t print the values in the same way as in test3.

So we write println, a generic function that prints all the values in the range specified by the first and last iterators. The syntax is almost the same as what we would write if we were using regular pointers: p points to each element in the range in succession, and *p is the value that p points to:

template<class InputIt>
void println(InputIt first, InputIt last) {
        for(InputIt p = first; p != last; p++) {
                cout << *p << " ";
        cout << "\n";

template<class InputIt>
void test_sort(InputIt first, InputIt last) {
        sort(first, last);
        println(first, last);
        reverse(first, last);
        println(first, last);

Unlike test_find, test_sort has only one type variable, InputIt, because it does not need a value to search for.

Here is test4:

void test4() {
        vector<string> food = {"kale", "lettuce", "onion", "carrot", "potato", "tomato"};
        test_sort(begin(food), end(food));

        double costs[] = {2.00, 3.25, 0.99, 7.40, 2.99};
        test_sort(begin(costs), end(costs));

        string quote = "No matter where you go, there you are.";
        test_sort(begin(quote), end(quote));

Again, notice how simple and general-purpose the resulting code is. test4() is much easier to read than test3(). The essential structure of test_sort is quite readable, and works with any type of range that std::sort can sort.

Source Code

// stl_demo.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

void test1() {
        vector<string> food = {"kale", "lettuce", "onion", "carrot", "potato", "tomato"};
        if (find(begin(food), end(food), "carrot") == end(food)) {
                cout << "carrot NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "carrot found\n";

        if (find(begin(food), end(food), "squash") == end(food)) {
                cout << "squash NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "squash found\n";

        double costs[] = {2.00, 3.25, 0.99, 7.40, 2.99};
        if (find(begin(costs), end(costs), 2.99) == end(costs)) {
                cout << "2.99 NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "2.99 found\n";

        if (find(begin(costs), end(costs), 3.99) == end(costs)) {
                cout << "3.99 NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "3.99 found\n";

        string quote = "No matter where you go, there you are.";
        if (find(begin(quote), end(quote), 'e') == end(quote)) {
                cout << "'e' NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "'e' found\n";

        if (find(begin(quote), end(quote), 'q') == end(quote)) {
                cout << "'q' NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << "'q' found\n";

template<class InputIt, class T>
void test_find(InputIt first, InputIt last, const T& value) {
        if (find(first, last, value) == last) {
                cout << value << " NOT found\n";
        } else {
                cout << value << " found\n";

void test2() {
        vector<string> food = {"kale", "lettuce", "onion", "carrot", "potato", "tomato"};
        test_find(begin(food), end(food), "carrot");
        test_find(begin(food), end(food), "squash");

        double costs[] = {2.00, 3.25, 0.99, 7.40, 2.99};
        test_find(begin(costs), end(costs), 2.99);
        test_find(begin(costs), end(costs), 3.99);

        string quote = "No matter where you go, there you are.";
        test_find(begin(quote), end(quote), 'e');
        test_find(begin(quote), end(quote), 'q');

void test3() {
        vector<string> food = {"kale", "lettuce", "onion", "carrot", "potato", "tomato"};
        sort(begin(food), end(food));
        for(string s : food) cout << s << " ";
        cout << "\n";
        reverse(begin(food), end(food));
        for(string s : food) cout << s << " ";
        cout << "\n";

        double costs[] = {2.00, 3.25, 0.99, 7.40, 2.99};
        sort(begin(costs), end(costs));
        for(double c : costs) cout << c << " ";
        cout << "\n";
        reverse(begin(costs), end(costs));
        for(double c : costs) cout << c << " ";
        cout << "\n";

        string quote = "No matter where you go, there you are.";
        sort(begin(quote), end(quote));
        cout << quote << "\n";
        reverse(begin(quote), end(quote));
        cout << quote << "\n";

template<class InputIt>
void println(InputIt first, InputIt last) {
        for(InputIt p = first; p != last; p++) {
                cout << *p << " ";
        cout << "\n";

template<class InputIt>
void test_sort(InputIt first, InputIt last) {
        sort(first, last);
        println(first, last);
        reverse(first, last);
        println(first, last);

void test4() {
        vector<string> food = {"kale", "lettuce", "onion", "carrot", "potato", "tomato"};
        test_sort(begin(food), end(food));

        double costs[] = {2.00, 3.25, 0.99, 7.40, 2.99};
        test_sort(begin(costs), end(costs));

        string quote = "No matter where you go, there you are.";
        test_sort(begin(quote), end(quote));

int main() {
        // test1();
        // test2();
        // test3();